Who Is Elena Misyurina

Who Is Elena Misyurina
Who Is Elena Misyurina

Who is Elena Misyurina - the answer to this question, perhaps, knows every Russian, whose life in some way concerns medicine. The trial in her case was high-profile and has not yet been completed - appeals and discussions continue, new rumors and speculation appear.

Who is Elena Misyurina
Who is Elena Misyurina

For the first time, they started talking about Elena Misyurina in the media and medical circles in the summer of 2013, when a case was opened into the death of one of her patients. It is still being actively discussed whether the doctor's fault was fatal, how could a doctor with vast experience and the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences make mistakes when carrying out manipulations and whether he could have done it at all.

Who is Elena Misyurina

Elena Misyurina graduated from the Pirogov Medical Institute in 1998, successfully developed a career as a hematologist at the State Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and defended her doctoral dissertation. She enjoyed authority among colleagues, she was trusted and respected by patients, the doctor has saved a huge number of lives, almost 40 scientific works in the field of hematology. But the public learned about who Elena Misyurina was only after her patient died, allegedly through her fault.

Both the media and the public were divided into two "camps" - some defended Elena Misyurina, others rushed to take advantage of the opportunity to denigrate not only her, but the entire medical community of the Russian Federation. Strong arguments were presented on both sides, but the court of last instance took the side of the doctor and dropped the charges, not finding in her actions corpus delicti and even facts about careless or negligent attitude towards the patient. Moreover, in the case of Elena Misyurina, the court found a large number of procedural violations and sent him for further investigation and correction.

What kind of guilt was charged to Elena Misyurina

In medical circles, the first sentence handed down to Elena Misyurina - 2 years in prison - was discussed at all levels. He was considered too harsh and unreasonable. The doctors were confident that it was indicative, and such a practice could affect any of them if the patient developed complications after the procedures they performed. Elena Misyurina was charged with the following charges:

  • provision of services that do not meet safety,
  • causing grievous bodily harm,
  • causing death by negligence.

All these charges correspond to Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, more precisely - to its second paragraph, and the first part of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The investigation found that Misyurina almost deliberately violated the generally accepted methods and tactics of carrying out hematological procedures, the technology for performing trepanobiopsy, as a result of which the patient died.

Misyurina's defenders cited a huge number of examples that the doctor has been engaged in this practice for a long time, and there were no such cases in it. The court was attended by patients and colleagues grateful to Elena, confirming her high professionalism, but their arguments seemed insufficient, and she received a real term of imprisonment.

Is Elena Misyurina guilty?

The doctor's lawyers filed an appeal after the first verdict was passed, which was considered in the Moscow City Court. The new instance court canceled the earlier decision on the basis of the following facts:

  • the procedure was carried out correctly, in compliance with the technology,
  • the patient, after manipulations, independently reached the house while driving a car,
  • the patient had chronic diseases that could affect his well-being, regardless of the procedure performed,
  • the patient had acute appendicitis and underwent surgery, which could worsen his condition,
  • the autopsy of the deceased was carried out in violation of the rules of forensic medical examination, which could lead to distortion of the facts.

On April 16, 2018, the verdict on the real punishment of Elena Misyurina was canceled. Her case was sent again to the prosecutors, who are obliged to correct the violations and give more compelling arguments pointing to the doctor's guilt or refuting it. It seems that the litigation is not over, and Elena will face new litigation and a new verdict.
