Yuri Vnukov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Yuri Vnukov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Yuri Vnukov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Yuri Alekseevich Vnukov is a Russian theater and film actor who has played many diverse character roles: comedic, fairytale, romantic and dramatic. Vnukov has an outstanding appearance and a bright acting talent. And the character of the children's program "We are going to play" created by him on television, Grandfather Secret, was remembered by many young viewers.

Yuri Vnukov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Yuri Vnukov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Childhood and youth

Yura Vnukov was born on February 3, 1962 in the small town of Novomoskovsk, located in the Tula region. The boy's family had nothing to do with theatrical art. Since childhood, Yura dreamed of becoming a train driver, was fond of everything related to railway transport, he loved to visit the city park with his mother and ride on the children's railroad.

When the first grader Yura was seven years old, his mother took him to a play at the Novomoskovsk Drama Theater. It was then that the boy decided to become an artist and all ten school years went to his goal - he studied at a music school, played in amateur performances, attended theatrical premieres.

After receiving secondary education, Yuri Vnukov became a student of the acting department of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts (VGII). His acting teacher was the head of the department, Gleb Borisovich Drozdov, a famous theater director, People's Artist of Russia.


Work in the theater

After graduating from VGII in 1983, Yuri Vnukov was assigned to the Theater for Young Spectators in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The actor remembers well his first role - Morozko in the play "Morozko", which premiered on tour in Leningrad; Vnukov is very proud of this fact of his biography. After working in the Youth Theater for six months, Yuri was drafted into the army. While he was serving, his mother fulfilled her old dream: she moved to the village of Tomilino near Moscow, just 25 kilometers from Moscow. Yuri lives here to this day.

Returning from the army, Yuri Vnukov began looking for work: he went to various Moscow theaters and offered himself as an actor. He could not get a job without patronage in the capital, and then Vnukov went to work at the Tver Theater of Young Spectators. Here the actor was provided with service housing, he worked in this Youth Theater for three and a half years. In his free time, Yuri came to Moscow and continued to look for work.

Once he was walking along the Kuznetsky Most past the Operetta Theater and decided to just drop in for good luck, even though he was a dramatic actor, not an operetta actor. He was accepted into the troupe as a characteristic artist, for whose roles a well-delivered strong voice was not required, but the charisma and skill of the actor was needed. For more than 25 years, Yuri Vnukov worked at the Moscow Operetta Theater, playing comic roles, performing couplets and short arias in performances. Among the roles are the fireman in the operetta by I. Kalman "Silva", the chairman of the house committee Zhundrikov in the "Grooms" by Isaac Dunaevsky, the Porcupine Saga in the musical by V. Stashinsky "Mowgli" and others.


Film work

Yuri Vnukov is best known as a film actor. Since 1985, he began acting in films - he played a curly-haired guy in a small episode in the film "Dance Floor". After this, invitations to filming in films and TV series literally flooded with a shaft: over 35 years of his career, Vnukov starred in more than 140 films! These are mainly episodic and supporting roles - the characteristic appearance of the actor also suggested the choice of certain characters.


Moviegoers could see Yuri Vnukov in such films and TV series as "Soldiers-5" and "Soldiers-10", "Capercaillie-3", "Fugitive", "Mom", 104th series of "Voronins", "Univer", "Father's daughters. Superbrides”and many others.


Yuri Vnukov considers the role of businessman Viktor Andreevich Yezhov in the TV series "Game" (2011) to be one of his main works in cinema. Here, the actor had a chance to create a completely not comedic, but a dramatic and even tragic image of a man who was first deceived, and then completely died at the hands of bandits. Another favorite movie character of both the actor himself and the audience is the journalist Alexei Yegorovich Rebushinsky in the series "Anna-detective".

Currently, Yuri Vnukov starred in two films: "System-X" and "Moisey Kolya". The actor also contributed to the work of domestic film studios on dubbing foreign films: many characters of foreign cinema speak in his voice.

Television work

The cherished dream of Yuri Vnukov was to work on television. And the dream came true: in 2008 he was invited to the casting of TV presenters of the program for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren "We are going to play" on the children's television channel "Carousel". There were many applicants, but as a result of the selection there were only two left. Trial episodes of the program were filmed with both potential TV presenters and presented to the children's audience. The kids chose Yuri Vnukov as the host of the program, and in 2009 the first issue of “We're Going to Play” was released, the characters of which were the fidget Strekotushha, Tishka the bear and the funny and wise wizard Ded Secret.


In each program, Strekotusha and Tishka had to describe in detail and competently to Grandfather some object that they needed to play, and Grandfather Secret made riddles to children, offered various tasks - tongue twisters, poems and songs, dances, so that children could finally get this thing. All this contributed to the expansion of vocabulary and the formation of correct speech among small viewers, the development of their memory, motor skills, logic and thinking. The program aired on the Karusel channel for four years, with the participation of teachers - authors of advanced pedagogical methods, as well as pediatricians, speech therapists and child psychologists. The role of Grandfather Secret brought Yuri Vnukov a lot of positive emotions, acting experience, as well as popularity among children throughout our country.


Personal life

Yuri Vnukov is single, there is no information about the presence of a wife, children, or any personal life in general.

In his free time from cinema and theater, the artist moonlights as a host of various celebrations and corporate events. This cheerful, cheerful person has established himself as a brilliant showman who can not only host an event, but also sing, play the piano, improvise and, in general, can create a real holiday for any audience. Yuri Vnukov speaks German, the basics of horse riding, is fond of swimming.
