The reason for writing a complaint about a taxi can be not only the driver's illegal actions or his behavior in general, but also the improper equipment of the car on which passengers are transported. You can file a complaint about a taxi in several instances.

Step 1
The most common violation that taxi drivers commit is incorrect determination of the fare for transportation. In this case, the passenger can file a complaint with the dispatch service, the management of the carrier organization, or Rospotrebnadzor.
Step 2
If you believe that the taxi driver has improperly provided you with the transportation service, then you can write a complaint to his immediate supervisor. In this case, we do not mean the dispatch service, but an organization registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register. In the event that illegal actions were carried out not only by the driver, but also by the dispatchers of the carrier organization, you have the right to write a complaint to any department of Rospotrebnadzor.
Step 3
The name of the carrier organization is specified by the driver himself, but according to the established rules, it must be indicated on the front panel of the car without fail. If there is no such mark, then you have the right to demand the appropriate documents for the right to carry out transportation from the driver. If the driver does not have a permit or does not want to give it to you, then such behavior is punishable by a fine.
Step 4
If the taxi driver has harmed your health in any way, then a statement should be written to the police. The instance is selected depending on the severity of the harm caused.
Step 5
Taxi drivers who do not have sufficient driving experience often become the culprit of road accidents, do not follow traffic rules or create unauthorized parking for their vehicles that impede the movement of public transport. If such situations arise, any citizen who has witnessed illegal actions by taxi drivers has the right to write a complaint to the Department of Transport.