Preisler Isabel: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Preisler Isabel: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Preisler Isabel: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Isabel Preisler's appearance allows her to remain a style icon for many years. Thanks to her extraordinary beauty, the Spanish journalist maintains her position as the face of a number of world fashion houses and jewelry. And the beauty's personal life is a real plot for a "soap opera".

Maria Isabel Preisler
Maria Isabel Preisler

Isabel's biography

Maria Isabel Preisler was born on February 18, 1951 in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The girl's parents were quite wealthy and prosperous people. His father was a successful shareholder in a large, profitable Spanish airline company, and his mother owned a network of real estate agencies.

Little Isabelle was a very pretty and attractive girl. In her youth, she took part in various beauty contests and acted as a model at charity evenings. After graduating from college, the girl enters a financial institute in Madrid, continuing to work at the famous Spanish modeling agency. Having received an economic education, she realizes that she has chosen the wrong profession. At the age of 20, Isabel Preisler entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism and Broadcasting. A year later, she already takes her first interview, which later turned out to be fateful. The interviewer was the aspiring singer Julio Iglesias, who eventually became the most famous Spanish pop singer and the husband of the beautiful Isabel.


Career, work, creativity

Since 1984, the future journalist ends her modeling career and comes to television. After several broadcasts, Isabel Preisler becomes a well-known personality in the media world. She began to be filmed in commercials with famous theater and film actors and was invited to various world events. Isabel becomes the advertising face of a large jewelry manufacturing company, as well as the press secretary of a confectionery factory.


Personal life of a beautiful Spanish woman

Isabel's meeting with Julio Iglesias in 1970 ended with a wedding a year after they met. Their family life cannot be called happy because of the numerous mistresses of the famous singer. But despite this, they had three wonderful children - two sons and a daughter. After eight years of marriage, the couple divorced. A year after the divorce, Isabel is getting married again. This time, the Spanish aristocrat Marquis Carlos Falco becomes her chosen one. Five years later, their marriage fell apart, giving Isabel another daughter. The journalist's romance with Miguel Boyer, which began before she managed to divorce the Marquis, leads her to the altar for the third time. Isabel became the love of his life for a wealthy Spaniard. Family happiness lasted 26 years. In 2014, Miguel died after a long and serious illness. From their union, Isabelle had a youngest daughter. In 2015, Mrs. Preisler regained her admirer, in the person of the famous writer and politician Mario Llos, who sacrificed a long-term marriage for her love.