Notable Films With Ben Stiller

Notable Films With Ben Stiller
Notable Films With Ben Stiller

A couple of decades ago, not all movie buffs knew an actor like Ben Stiller. Today he is the man who left his footprints on the famous American Walk of Fame for outstanding figures of cinema. Ben Stiller continues to act in films, and some films with his participation are gaining more and more popularity.

Notable films with Ben Stiller
Notable films with Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller, who seemed to be considered a newcomer to Hollywood until recently, has already managed to move into the category of authoritative and recognized comedian actors. Among the projects of the 90s, one can note the picture of 1998 "Everyone is crazy about Mary", where the actor was accompanied by the equally famous Cameron Diaz. Also, the actor managed to play a cameo role as a guest star in the incredibly popular at that time "Friends" seraglio.

Worldwide fame came after the release of the painting "Meet the Parents." Despite the sequel and triquel of this picture with the invitation of many famous Hollywood stars, the first part is considered the best.

Gained great popularity and the film "Duplex", where Stiller and Drew Barrymore play a married couple at war with a restless elderly neighbor from above.

In 2004, the picture Starsky and Hutch was released, where Stiller was accompanied by his best friend Owen Wilson.

The first two parts of the painting "Night at the Museum" showed good box office receipts. The film impressed the viewer with its interesting plot.

In 2013, the premiere of the film "The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty" took place, which also gathered a good box office at the worldwide box office.

In the near future, it is planned to release the third part of the painting "Night at the Museum". The actor is also involved in several other projects.