Bushkov Alexander Alexandrovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Bushkov Alexander Alexandrovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Bushkov Alexander Alexandrovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Modern literature is going through a period of breakdown. Science fiction is being replaced by fantasy. The works written in this genre represent the past of humanity as the future. Horses there are replaced with wedges, and spears - with rocket launchers. Alexander Bushkov is fluent in this genre.

Alexander Bushkov
Alexander Bushkov

Biographical sketch

Alexander Alexandrovich Bushkov was born on April 5, 1956 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in the small town of Minusinsk. This place is famous for the fact that it was exiled here in tsarist times to settle criminals and free-thinkers. According to the firm conviction of the writer himself, among the prisoners, his ancestors, Litvin or Poles, were also driven to Siberia. The child was taught to work from an early age. He helped the elders in the garden and did other household chores.

When the age approached, Alexander became a first grader. At school he studied very mediocre. He often skipped classes and dabbled in class. Having received his secondary education, he firmly decided that he would never study anywhere else. The future writer watched how his peers live and what future they dream about. It is important to note that Bushkov learned to read early. And he really liked this occupation. At a certain stage in his life cycle, he read everything. All books from the libraries of Minusinsk and Abakan have been read without exception.

Creative trails

The biography of the Siberian writer is somewhat similar to that of Jack London. After school, Bushkov had to take care of his food. Where could a young man work without a specialty? Only do unskilled work. But already at this time, dragging bags of flour or cement, Alexander thinks about the career of a writer. And not only thinks, but also tries "his own pen". Like many famous writers, Bushkov goes through a streak of imitation.

At an early stage in his work, Alexander set himself a standard that he, as a writer, must fulfill on a daily basis. Forty pages of text and not a letter less. The first manuscript sent to the editorial office of the Literaturnaya Ucheba magazine was published in 1981. At first, Bushkov worked intensively in the fantasy genre. It worked out well. Stories and essays were published in magazines and newspapers in Krasnoyarsk. The writer entered the federal level, so to speak, in the 90s with a series of stories about a paratrooper officer.

Novels of personal life

Alexander Bushkov very quickly gained experience and expanded his creative range. Suffice it to name a cycle of works called "Piranha". Each story of this cycle contains a love story. But the author himself had a lingering uncertainty with this case. The writer was in no hurry to equip his personal life. He made acquaintance with women easily and just as effortlessly forgot. But the time came, and everything fell into place.

At the moment, Alexander Bushkov is legally married. In a country house near Krasnoyarsk, a calm and work environment reigns. The husband and wife are raising a son who will soon become an adult. The writer has a good car, in which he likes to overcome the taiga off-road. As a native Siberian, Bushkov shoots well with a gun, but does not like to hunt.
