Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov did not create many works. But no one doubts his contribution to Russian literature. One of his most famous works is Oblomov. This is an epoch-making novel that gave life to a new word that lives not only in literature, but also in everyday life.

Oblomovism. This word is known even by those who have not read the immortal work about a lazy nobleman. True, this only applies to Russian people. After all, it is almost impossible to translate it. This concept absorbs the worst aspects of our people. Laziness, apathy, unwillingness to live in the real world - all this is more characteristic of the Russian people. Of course, this term does not apply to every person.
Yes, in Russia there are scientists, leaders, and just workers. But, perhaps, in the depths of every Russian soul, his own Oblomov lives. Someone does not allow it to develop, suppresses it in the bud. Well, someone, on the contrary, cherishes and cherishes him.
Oblomovism is a term that has entered our life and has become not just an abstract name, it has become an epithet, a common noun used by more than one generation. Yes, perhaps the author greatly exaggerated some of the character traits of a Russian person. But he exaggerated, not invented.
Those who have read this great novel remember that the main occupations of Ilya Ilyich were to eat sweeter and sleep a little longer. But to say that Oblomovism is banal laziness is wrong. After all, there were thoughts and undertakings in the life of the landowner, he even received a good education, and believed that he could be useful to his homeland.
In the term "Oblomovism" one can find responses of many feelings and concepts. Inertia, excessive daydreaming, apathy, laziness, fear of change, the ability to be content with little - we can find all this in the character of the protagonist. At the same time, Oblomov has a lot of good things that are hidden from everyone, including from himself. But this good does not develop, it is ruined in the bud.
Ilya Ilyich understands the full depth of his fall. And this also has its place in the term "Oblomovism". Goncharov showed us an intelligent and wonderful person who drove himself into a dead end. And he can get out of it, by himself or with the help of his friends. But … He does not want to, although he realizes the gravity of his situation.
Oblomovism is a swamp. It's soft, warm and comfortable, but undeniably lethal. And no one drives him into him, a person voluntarily falls into his arms. And he wants to break free, and realizes that radical measures are needed. But he is comfortable, and therefore he practically does not make sudden movements.
The swamp draws in. At first, a person stands knee-deep in it. And after a couple of minutes - to the waist. So is Oblomovism. It delays, interferes with development, action, but not thinking.