What Is Anarchy

What Is Anarchy
What Is Anarchy

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With the emergence of all sorts of trends in society, it has become fashionable among young people to call themselves an anarchist and wear clothes with images of anarchist symbols. Moreover, not every one of these people can give a clear answer to the question "what is anarchy."

What is anarchy
What is anarchy


Step 1

The name of the phenomenon has Greek roots and is translated as cashlessness, anarchy. The first theorists of anarchism were Diogenes and Lao Tzu. The classics of the idea are Proudhon, Kropotkin, Bakunin and Stirner. Anarchy is often associated with disorder and confusion, but this is not true.

Step 2

According to the theory of anarchism, in a familiar state, people are divided into nations and classes, they do not participate at all in the management of their own lives. Their interests are not being followed. The source of all wars and violence is the existing system of government. Its task is not to unite its residents, but to guard the power, property and interests of high-ranking officials. You can survive in such a society, but you cannot live in it.

Step 3

The anarchic system of society implies the absence of any management in it, a complete rejection of the hierarchy in its structure. Universal equality is the main principle of the theory of anarchism. Everyone helps in everything and supports everyone else, they, in turn, also help and support in return. Only an ideal society can exist in such conditions, to which the word "disorder" is unacceptable.

Step 4

According to anarchists, a person does not have to be initially good or bad. This movement accepts each person for who they are and denies original sin and other religious ideas.

Step 5

Anarchy is the rejection of any form of government. Society does not need the police and the court either, all issues should be resolved through negotiations and the adoption of mutually beneficial decisions. In such a society, there is no theft, robbery, because everyone is equal, there is no division into social classes.

Step 6

The transition from capitalism and democracy to anarchy is possible only through a coup, during which a large number of victims can arise. Anarchists also consider the simple refusal of most people to work for the state - a "big strike", to be an effective way of anarchy.
