How Nuns Live In A Monastery

How Nuns Live In A Monastery
How Nuns Live In A Monastery

Contrary to the popular belief that women leave for a monastery after the strongest emotional turmoil, there are many strong personalities among the nuns who came there by vocation, with a desire to serve God, to devote their whole lives to this.

How nuns live in a monastery
How nuns live in a monastery

Monasticism, voluntary renunciation of worldly joys is an act, a way of life, similar to a heroic deed. In the monastery it is impossible to hide from any problems, and those who cannot find their purpose in worldly life, in most cases, do not find it in the monastery either. Monks do not deny asylum to anyone, but true monasticism is the lot of strong-willed women and men. Not every person is able to live every hour according to the laws of mercy and love for one's neighbor, diligence, obey unswervingly all the commandments of God, and dissolve in Christianity, forgetting about oneself and renouncing everything worldly.

How the life of nuns works

Those who are looking for peace and tranquility, trying to get away from problems, hiding behind the walls of the monastery, as a rule, do not know anything about how the nuns live in the monastery.

Many women believe that nuns pray from early morning until late at night, seeking salvation and absolution for their sins and for all humanity, but this is not so. Every day, no more than 4-6 hours are allotted for reading prayers, and the rest of the time is devoted to fulfilling certain duties, the so-called obediences. For some of the sisters, obedience consists in doing garden work, someone works in the kitchen, and someone is engaged in embroidery, cleaning or caring for the sick. Everything that is necessary for life, the nuns produce and grow themselves.

It is not forbidden to seek medical help for novices and nuns. Moreover, in each monastery there is a nurse with a medical education and a certain experience in this field.

For some reason, worldly people believe that nuns are limited in communication, both with the outside world and with each other. This opinion is erroneous - the sisters are allowed to communicate with each other and with people who have nothing to do with the monastery and the service of the Lord. But idle talk is not welcome, the conversation always comes down to the canons of Christianity, the commandments of God and the service of the Lord. In addition, communicating the laws of Christianity and serving as an example of obedience for the laity is one of the main duties and a peculiar destiny of a nun.

Watching TV and reading secular literature in the monastery is not welcome, although both are here. But newspapers and television are perceived by the inhabitants of the monastery not as entertainment, but as a source of information about what is happening outside the walls of their residence.

How to become nuns

Becoming a nun is not as easy as many people think. After arriving at the monastery, the girl is given time, and at least 1 year, to reflect on her choice and familiarize herself with the life of nuns. During this year, she goes from a pilgrim to a hard worker.

Pilgrims are not allowed to share meals, do not attend services and do not communicate with nuns. If the desire to serve God does not disappear during her seclusion, then the girl becomes a hard worker and receives the right to participate in the life of the monastery on an equal basis with all its inhabitants.

After filing a petition for tonsure, at least 3 years pass before the sacrament of initiation takes place and the girl becomes a true nun.