Tigran Keosayan's Wife Margarita Simonyan: Photo

Tigran Keosayan's Wife Margarita Simonyan: Photo
Tigran Keosayan's Wife Margarita Simonyan: Photo

Margarita Simonyan is a successful journalist and head of the Russia Today channel. Her personal life became public when the press began to find out the reasons for the divorce of the filmmaker Tigran Keosayan and the actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. It turned out that Margarita was the mistress of a married director, for whom he decided to leave his family. In a new relationship, Keosayan became the father of a daughter and a son. True, the couple is in no hurry to enter into an official marriage.

Tigran Keosayan's wife Margarita Simonyan: photo
Tigran Keosayan's wife Margarita Simonyan: photo

Acquaintance and secret romance

A few years later, when the first hype and a wave of public condemnation subsided, Margarita decided to tell her love story to her fellow journalists. At first, the acquaintance with Keosayan was virtual. The director left the girl with words of support on her personal page on the social network when he heard criticism about her on the radio. Simonyan was very surprised, because she was never interested in cinema and saw Tigran only a couple of times on TV, but out of politeness she decided to answer a new acquaintance. They exchanged phone numbers, met and had a great time chatting and a delicious lunch. Both wanted to continue their acquaintance.


Margarita admitted that the flared up romance and the strength of mutual feelings came as a complete surprise to them with Tigran. The couple had common interests, friends, joint projects, the lovers did not want to part for a minute. The journalist did not know whether to be happy or annoyed at fate, which is so generous with random gifts, and plans, hatched for years, on the contrary, prefers to mercilessly ruin.

As Simonyan admitted, she was a desperate careerist from her youth. I tried not to think about marriage or family. To parents of Armenians who adhere to traditional views on life, at the age of 12 she announced that she did not plan to get married, which shocked the older generation. True, at the time of the meeting with Keosayan, Margarita had a long and permanent relationship, which is popularly called a civil marriage.


Despite several attempts at parting, Margarita and Tigran realized that they could no longer live without each other. According to her, it was not an easy decision for them to hurt loved ones, but otherwise this difficult situation could not be resolved. In 2014, Keosayan officially divorced his first wife, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya.

New life and children


The journalist said that the first pregnancy came unplanned and plunged her into a real depression. Doctors frightened Margarita with a high risk of miscarriage, but she did not seek medical help, but relied on fate. As a result, the threat passed, and in August 2013 little Maryana was born. Just five months later, Simonyan found out about the new pregnancy and took it much more calmly. So in September 2015, the long-awaited heir was born to Tigran Keosayan - the son of Bagrat. Both times, the expectant mother tolerated her condition perfectly - without toxicosis, fatigue or drowsiness, and the birth was easy and quick.

In fact, the journalist was not on the decree, at the first opportunity she joined the work, entrusting the babies to their grandmothers. They bring up their children with Tigran in severity: they load them with useful activities, do not allow to taste sweets, replacing them with fruits, vegetables, seafood. Margarita is proud that her son and daughter at such a young age already know five languages, and they learned them easily and unobtrusively while playing. A happy mother considers herself to be a supporter of active preschool education, but she has a negative attitude towards studying abroad.

By the way, contrary to Armenian origin, Simonyan herself does not know her native language. Several generations of her family have long lived and are born exclusively in Russia, and for the first time she had a chance to visit Armenia in connection with a business trip. True, having met Tigran, the journalist began to visit there regularly.

After parting with his first wife, Keosayan left her and his daughters a luxurious house in Barvikha, and he himself moved to Margarita's small house, which is 60 km from the Moscow Ring Road. But the lovers were not embarrassed by everyday difficulties. The director surrounded his darling with care and attention, not skimping on expensive gifts, interesting travel. True, Simonyan still denies the wedding and marriage, postponing an important step for the distant future.

Friendship with the first wife and work in the cinema

For a long time after the divorce, Keosayan went to his first family in the morning to have breakfast with his youngest daughter. Margarita supported him in every possible way, even reminded him if he wanted to sleep longer in the morning. Tigran's visits stopped when his first wife Alena Khmelnitskaya had a beloved man who lives with her and the children.


At the initiative of the former wife of the director, an amazing meeting took place, which caused a stir in the domestic press. All publications published a joint photo of Margarita and Alena, taken at the birthday party of Ksenia, the youngest daughter of Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan. Simonyan recalled how much she was surprised at the invitation of the actress to come to the holiday with her children and her husband. But Alena insisted and was able to convince Margarita to join the guests. They hit it off surprisingly quickly, chatted for a long time about everything and even took the same photo together, accompanied by a funny caption "High relationship". The journalist is really happy that she and Khmelnitskaya have nothing more to share, everyone has found their own happiness, and all the bad things are in the past.


Relations with the famous director naturally carried Simonyan into the world of cinema. The journalist learned how to write scripts and turned this exciting hobby into one of the ways to make money. Of course, most of all she collaborates with her famous husband. In the thriller "The Artist", where Margarita was the scriptwriter and Tigran was the director, Alena Khmelnitskaya played the main role. Simonyan is truly proud of this work. Well, the film crew admired the well-coordinated creative tandem that the former members of the love triangle had.