What Is The Russian Vedas And What Religion Do They Belong To?

What Is The Russian Vedas And What Religion Do They Belong To?
What Is The Russian Vedas And What Religion Do They Belong To?

The Vedas is a sacred scripture in the Hindu tradition, a collection of ancient legends and traditions. There are also Russian Vedas, the authenticity of which is disputed by many historians, since no one has seen the originals.

What is the Russian Vedas and what religion do they belong to?
What is the Russian Vedas and what religion do they belong to?

What is the Russian Vedas

The Russian Vedas is a collection of folk epics and legends that reflect the beliefs of the Slavic peoples and their understanding of the earthly history of all mankind. Among other things, the Vedas contain some predictions about the future.

The Russian Vedas can belong to one of three groups, the classification is carried out according to the type of medium, although it is assumed that the recorded information corresponds to the material on which it is applied. The most important are santii - these are gold plates on which symbols were minted, then filled with paint. Santias have always been richly decorated. Haratyas are Vedas written on parchment. Volkhvari - Vedas written on wooden tablets.

The Magi are called so because this is the knowledge that is intended for the Magi.

It is believed that the haratyas were the most detailed copies of the santia, where events could be interpreted in a more detailed way, since it is easier to write on parchment than to carve words on gold. Veles's book, one of the most famous parts of the Slavic Vedas, belongs to the Magi. It records the history of Europe one and a half millennia before the baptism of Rus.

The santia includes the Vedas of Perun, they are written in the form of dialogues. The Yngling saga is another part of the Santia, it tells about the resettlement of the Yngling people to Scandinavia and other Western countries. This part of the Vedas also talks about the Viking Age.

All Russian Vedas belong to the religion of paganism. You can also refer them to neo-paganism - partly religious, partly cultural, which is actively gaining popularity in Russia.

The authenticity of the Russian Vedas

The position of official science is that these Vedas are rather a fake than an original. There is no evidence to the contrary. Nevertheless, despite the fact that in the fully assembled form they may not be a historical document, individually, all the myths from the Slavic Vedas could indeed take place. Some historians call the Vedas a collection compiled much later than the date of creation prescribed for the entire document.

Followers of the Slavic Vedas claim that they were recorded about seven thousand years ago. But the Indian Vedas, the authenticity of which is not disputed, were written down only 5 thousand years ago.

Those who prefer the Slavic Vedas claim that the Indian ones appeared later in a slightly modified form, while the admirers of the Indian Vedas say the opposite.

In the Russian Vedas themselves, one can find evidence that they represent a kind of interpretation of the Indian Vedas. The plots of both works have something in common. The Veles book contains the same characters as in the Bhagavad Gita.