Economist's Day: History And Features Of The Holiday

Economist's Day: History And Features Of The Holiday
Economist's Day: History And Features Of The Holiday

World Economist Day is celebrated on October 12, the day when the prize is awarded to outstanding representatives of the profession by the decision of the Nobel Committee. This day has its own traditions of celebration.

Economist's Day: history and features of the holiday
Economist's Day: history and features of the holiday

In October days, traditionally, economists of all countries gather for symposia, congresses, round tables, where lively discussions about the economic strategies of their countries take place. They discuss such important issues as interaction in the work of customs services, investment risks in a particular country, as well as specific issues, for example, Russia's admission to the World Trade Organization.

Honoring professionals

Russian economists have their own professional holiday, which is celebrated annually on June 30. The date was not appointed by chance, it was on June 30, 1917 that the government issued a decree on the creation of the People's Commissariat of Finance, which was later transformed into the USSR Ministry of Finance. Initially, the holiday was exclusively formal - conferences were convened, reporting and election meetings were convened, where plans were set and reports on the work done were heard.

The Ministry of Finance of the USSR in 1922 was renamed the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and only later, during the reorganization, two separate ministries were formed - the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy. On June 30, congratulations are received by all financiers and economists employed in the financial and economic sphere of activity. The holiday has also changed, for example, annual meetings of leading economists in St. Petersburg, encouraging and presenting state awards to those who distinguished themselves, have become traditional.

The tasks of economists

Economists are involved in the work of any industrial enterprise. Their task is to plan and justify any technological process.

When launching a new product into production, the economist is obliged to scrupulously calculate all the costs of manufacturing this product. This also includes the standards for the time of manufacture of the product, the calculation of the costs of the labor force that takes in the processing and release of products. Indeed, sometimes the finished product consists of many parts and assemblies, which the economist is obliged to calculate and justify. In addition, the costs of electricity, gas and other resources used in the manufacture of the product are taken into account. All calculations are made in order to substantiate the cost of the product, which helps in determining the wholesale or retail price of the product.

During the Soviet era, the economy was planned. Once every five years, a five-year plan for the development of the country's national economy was adopted. Each leader (be it a plant director or a collective farm chairman) was personally responsible for the implementation of the five-year plan. In the process of perestroika, the planned economy collapsed, exposing its shortcomings and distortions, and instead the road was opened to market relations.
