How Does The Icon Of Nicholas The Saint Help?

How Does The Icon Of Nicholas The Saint Help?
How Does The Icon Of Nicholas The Saint Help?

Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints of the Orthodox Church. He miraculously saved from death innocent convicts and drowning in the sea, helped those in need, therefore Nicholas the saint is also called the miracle worker. Since ancient times, St. Nicholas has been considered the patron saint of farmers, sailors, travelers, students and children.

How does the icon of Nicholas the saint help?
How does the icon of Nicholas the saint help?

In the old days, Russian peasants said: "There is no champion for us against Nicholas." Nicholas the saint was considered the main peasant intercessor. In Russian folklore, he was identified with the hero Mikula Selyaninovich. Nicholas the saint was especially revered as Mikul's “bread spirit” or “living grandfather”.

The image of Nicholas the saint and the legends about him merged with the hero of northern folklore Daddy Christmas. According to legend, the name of the famous fairy-tale character Santa Claus is a distorted Dutch transcription of the name Saint Nicholas.

The life of St. Nicholas the saint

At the end of the 3rd century in the city of Patara, located in Asia Minor, a son was born to believers, but for a long time childless spouses, who was named Nikolai at baptism. From an early age, the boy was deeply religious. After the death of his parents, who left a considerable fortune to their son, Nikolai spent the entire inheritance to help the poor and disadvantaged. And he did it in secret.

During his lifetime, God rewarded Nicholas with the gift of miracles for good deeds and humility. Once Nicholas went on a pilgrimage to the shores of Palestine, but during the trip there was a revelation to him that a storm would soon begin. He had barely had time to warn his comrades about the misfortune, when a storm hit the ship. Then Nikolai began to pray, and the storm immediately subsided. But one of the sailors could not hold on to the mast, fell down and crashed to death. Nicholas the Wonderworker knelt down with prayers, his requests were heard and the sailor miraculously returned to life.

There are many testimonies how, thanks to his miraculous gift, Nicholas the saint helped people avoid trouble. He died in the 4th century, having lived to old age. However, after death, the miracles performed by St. Nicholas, not only did not stop, but also became more frequent.

Whom Saint Nicholas Protects

In Christian art, on the icons of Nicholas, the saint is depicted as a tall elderly man with long white hair and a beard, in episcopal vestments. The attributes of St. Nicholas are 3 gold balls, 3 bags of gold, and an anchor or a ship.

The imperishable relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept in Italy in the city of Bar. From time to time they stream myrrh. Miro with the relics of St. Nicholas possesses healing powers.

The iconographic canon that took shape in Byzantium retained the portrait features of a high-browed elder "with an angelic face," as it is written about St. Nicholas in his life. Following the Byzantine tradition, Russian painters created many beautiful icons depicting a saint full of spiritual purity and wisdom.

Nicholas the saint is considered the patron saint of sailors and travelers, who he protects from the rampant water element and the attack of robbers. With the blessing of St. Nicholas, the travelers set off on the road. “Call God for help, and Nikol - on the way,” they said in Russia.

He helps peasants, poor people, clerks, students, bankers, merchants, perfumers and children. One should pray to this saint for a prosperous marriage, a happy fate of children, successful passing of exams, deliverance from material difficulties and illnesses, as well as a miracle.
