Why Jews Are Not Liked

Why Jews Are Not Liked
Why Jews Are Not Liked

Jews are one of the most ancient peoples in the world. The population of the nation is 12-14 million people. Today they live in many countries. So, for example, only in America there are about 35%. Despite the fact that Jews are no different from other people, there is an opinion that many ethnic groups do not like them very much. And they have many reasons for this.

Why Jews are not liked
Why Jews are not liked

The Jewish people, according to researchers of various nationalities and nationalities, are distinguished by a fairly good mind and the ability to quickly navigate a situation. Thanks to this, they can in any, even the most crisis situation, have time to analyze everything, quickly assess their capabilities and achieve success against the backdrop of the global collapse. For this they are not loved, considering cunning. Also, many do not like their such feature due to the fact that it seems that the Jews are extremely selective and act only as they need to.

In addition, nepotism is accepted among the Jews. They are always ready to help their relatives and friends who find themselves in a difficult situation. They can also help neighbors in their village. As a result, their communities are quite large. Against the background of the modern denial of family values and the general rejection of the unity of all family members, this behavior looks very strange. Plus, if the opinion is still superimposed on this that all Jews are cunning and cunning, this can cause discontent among other peoples. After all, it will seem to them that a huge crowd of people has gathered only and are ready to lead everyone around the finger for their own benefit.

One of the main persecutors and haters of Jews in the world was, of course, Adolf Hitler. Various events are called the reason for his fierce hatred - from the fact that his father was a Jew, to the fact that his mother borrowed money from a neighbor who belonged to this nation, and when she could not give it back, he raped her several times in front of Adolf.

Another reason for dislike for this nationality lies in the Bible. After all, it was the Jews who were God's chosen people. This is how they still consider themselves. Many religious books have information that all other peoples of the world should live only in order to serve those whom the Lord himself made governors on earth. Naturally, the world community does not like such a formulation of the question. However, it should always be remembered that not all Jews support these ideas.
