Is It Possible For A Pregnant Woman To Be Godmother

Is It Possible For A Pregnant Woman To Be Godmother
Is It Possible For A Pregnant Woman To Be Godmother

Ignorance often breeds fear. This statement may well be considered the basis for the emergence of various popular superstitions. One of these is the opinion that a pregnant woman cannot be a godmother.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to be godmother
Is it possible for a pregnant woman to be godmother

Priests of the Orthodox Church often have to deal with church superstitions and completely non-church traditions associated with participation in the sacraments. For example, there is a popular belief that a pregnant woman should not take part in the sacrament of baptism in the role of godmother. The Church does not share this delusion. Nowhere in the liturgical or statutory books is there a rule prohibiting a pregnant woman (girl) from being in the church during baptism.

Supporters of this misconception believe that the participation of a pregnant woman in baptism can negatively affect the birth of a child. Some also make quite terrible conclusions - a child-bearing girl may not give birth to her child at all if she is a godmother to another child during pregnancy.

This opinion contradicts the Orthodox understanding of the sacrament of baptism. A pregnant woman is not only allowed to go to the temple during childbearing, but it is also beneficial to do so. So, a girl can take part in church sacraments (confess, receive communion, be baptized). It is allowed for pregnant women to be godmothers, because participation in the great work of uniting a person to Christ can in no way negatively affect the birth of an unborn child. On the contrary, the child-bearer takes part in the congregational church prayer, the woman speaks for her godson the words of renunciation of Satan and all his evil deeds, that is, she directly participates in a good undertaking.

Thus, a believer should not pay attention to such a popular delusion. If there is a need to be a godmother, then a pregnant woman has nothing to fear. It is necessary to boldly agree to this step and, without fear for your unborn child, take part in the great blessed church sacrament.

It should be borne in mind that pregnant women, in terms of physiological well-being, do not need to be godmother, because the sacrament continues for quite a long time. In this case, the refusal to participate in the sacrament is motivated by quite understandable human reasons.
