Grigory Romanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Grigory Romanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Grigory Romanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Politics is a dirty business. So say some witches who have never been involved in political activities. This is actually hard work. Grigory Vasilievich Romanov honestly fulfilled the duties assigned to him.

Grigory Romanov
Grigory Romanov

Starting conditions

Discerning experts assess a politician by his or her performance. It doesn't matter what speeches he made or how he dressed on holidays. Only material values and moral positions are taken into account. A prominent figure of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov was born on February 7, 1923 in a peasant family. The boy was the youngest child in the house, the sixth in a row. The parents lived in a remote village in the Novgorod region.


Gregory, like all peasant children, grew up as an assistant in the house. Was engaged in feasible household work. He studied well at school and graduated from the seven-year school with a letter of commendation. They raised money for him to travel to Leningrad, where Romanov went to enter the shipbuilding college. Soon the war began and studies had to be interrupted. The student took part in hostilities on the Leningrad and Baltic fronts. In a combat situation, he became a member of the CPSU (b).


At party work

After the victory, Romanov successfully completed his studies and was assigned to the famous Zhdanov shipyard. The young specialist coped with production tasks successfully. And in the evenings he listened to lectures at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. In 1953 he received a diploma of higher education. It is important to emphasize that Grigory Vasilyevich had a habit of conscientiously treating the business he was engaged in. The workers who worked under his leadership always treated Vasilich with respect.


When, in the mid-1950s, Romanov was elected secretary of the factory party committee, even non-party people voted for him. Working with people does not require special skills. It is very important to show not ostentatious, but sincere attention to a person, to his problems and aspirations. Grigory Vasilyevich in his party position was distinguished by energy and creativity. He was not afraid to make unconventional decisions. When the Leningraders were discussing the project of the protective dam, Romanov took responsibility for the results of the implementation of this project.


Career and personal life

For thirteen years Grigory Romanov worked as the first secretary of the Leningrad City Party Committee. He made a significant contribution to the development of urban infrastructure. During this period, many townspeople have improved their living conditions. Dormitories and communal apartments were actively settled. The first secretary knew firsthand about the pressing problems of Leningraders. His political career developed successfully, and in 1983 Romanov was elected secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. He had to move to Moscow.

The personal life of a convinced communist developed according to Russian traditions. He has lived his entire adult life in marriage. The husband and wife raised and raised two daughters. We managed to nurse our grandchildren. Grigory Vasilievich died in June 2008.