Christian Saints Named Adam

Christian Saints Named Adam
Christian Saints Named Adam

In church Orthodox calendars, you can see the dates of the commemoration of all the saints of the Orthodox Church. There is a great host of God's saints, and therefore there are also many names of saints in the Christian Church. It is noteworthy that some of the names of saints are very rare. These include the righteous with the name Adam.

Christian saints named Adam
Christian saints named Adam

Almost every person associates the name Adam with the Old Testament biblical forefather, from whom, according to the Holy Scriptures, the human race originated. The Christian Orthodox Church accepts the books of the Old Testament as sacred, therefore the Old Testament righteous and saints are venerated in Orthodox churches.

Adam is the first man created by God. From the Hebrew language, this name is translated as "red man", "earth" (soil). This is no coincidence, because, according to the book of Genesis, Adam was created by God from the earth. Scripture tells the story of the life of Adam and Eve: their fall and expulsion from paradise, the birth and upbringing of children. After the Fall, Adam did not lose faith in his Creator, but spent the years of his life, of which the Bible numbers 930, in sincere repentance. It is thanks to Adam's zealous repentance, his prayerful deeds and virtuous life that the Bible classifies this person as a holy righteous person.

The Church calls the Old Testament Adam the forefather and progenitor, since it was his seed that was the beginning of the future of humanity. The Day of Remembrance of the Old Testament Adam is celebrated by the Church on the week of the holy forefathers (the penultimate Sunday before the feast of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ).

There is another saint in the church calendar with the name Adam. This is a righteous man who lived after the birth of the Savior - the holy Monk Martyr Adam of Sinai. It is known from the life of this ascetic that he, together with several other righteous men, retired for spiritual exploits to the Sinai caves, located near the place where the holy prophet Moses God granted legislation in the form of the ten commandments. Around 312, the saints, including Adam, suffered torment and death from the invasion of the Arab nomads, Blemmians and Saracens. It is precisely because of the suffering that Saint Adam of Sinai is called by the Church a Monk Martyr.

The memory of the MonkMartyr Adam of Sinai is celebrated by the Church on January 27, according to modern chronology.
