Where To Watch The Winning Videos Of The Cannes Lions

Where To Watch The Winning Videos Of The Cannes Lions
Where To Watch The Winning Videos Of The Cannes Lions

Video: Where To Watch The Winning Videos Of The Cannes Lions

Video: Where To Watch The Winning Videos Of The Cannes Lions
Video: Cannes Lions 2021 - Shutter Ads Heineken 2025, January

Cannes Lions is one of the world's top priority festivals, where leading representatives of the advertising business exchange experience, present their work and choose the best from them. If you did not manage to get to this festival and see the winning videos, you can find them using the Internet.

Where to watch the winning videos of the Cannes Lions
Where to watch the winning videos of the Cannes Lions

Every year, within the framework of the Cannes Lions Festival, a competent jury selects the best commercials in twelve categories. Each participant has a chance of winning, regardless of whether he is a representative of an advertising agency or not. Since 1996, the prizes of the festival have been awarded to representatives of Russian advertising companies.

A certain number of videos are published annually on the official Cannes Lions website. On this portal you can find not only the works of the winners, but also all the information about the events that took place or will take place within the framework of the next festival. The only drawback of this site is that all information on it is published in English, therefore, it may not be available to a Russian-speaking user.

Especially for the residents of Russia, there is the Cannes Lions Russia portal, which covers the festival in our country. On this site you can also find the winning videos of the various years of the festival. In addition, here you can familiarize yourself with the terms of participation in this festival in Russian.

Quite often, the Cannes Lions winning videos are published on the world's largest video hosting sites, for example, on Youtube. To view it, you need to enter this portal, find the search bar, and then enter the name of the festival, the year of its holding and the phrase "winning videos" in it. Hosting will offer you options, among which you can probably find the one that interests you.

After the festival "Cannes Lions" in the media, operating on the Internet, there is a report about the event. Quite often they publish videos-winners of the festival, for example, on the Adme.ru website you can find material about the "Cannes Lions-2011", to which the video material you need is attached.
