The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival attracts more and more participants every year. Both professional designers who advertise well-known companies and beginners submit their works for the competition. Anyone whose product is interesting and meets the tasks that this or that type of advertising is designed to solve has a chance to win a prestigious prize.

The 2012 festival became a record for the number of applications submitted. There were 34 301 of them from 87 countries. The organizers explain this by the fact that new nominations have been introduced - "Branded content and events" and "Mobile advertising". In total, there were 15 nominations.
The best branded content was presented by the American Creative Artists Agency Los Angeles. The Fast Casual Restaurant commercial was produced for the Chipotle restaurant chain. The advertising product of the same company, the video Back To The Start, was recognized as the winner in the Film nomination as well.
In the nomination "Mobile advertising" the best advertising product was recognized as an application that allows you to pay for Coca-Cola through a vending machine. Made by Grow Interactive for Google and Coca-Cola.
The Soxiante Quinze Paris advertising agency won the Grand Prix in the Film Craft category. A film about the adventures of a bearskin who made a successful directorial career, commissioned by Canal +.
The Kansk Lions in the Press nomination have been awarded for a long time. Usually their owners present rather scandalous products, and this year was no exception. The lion went to the agency Italy Fabrica Treviso. A series of prints that will attract the attention of the widest possible public were made for Benetton Unhate.
In the Cyber category, the jury awarded two main prizes at once. The first went to Nike + FuelBand, which offered a promotion designed to enhance the physical activity of the wearer of a special bracelet. Every physical exercise performed by the user is translated into virtual reality. It is a fuel that is gradually accumulating. The owner of the bracelet can control himself using a computer or mobile phone. The second prize was won by the Swedish agency Volontaire, which created the Curators of Sweden project on Twitter. Every day a new Swedish citizen talks about how he spent the day.
The Creative Effectiveness category was introduced for advertisers and manufacturers who want to present more than one product, but an effective, in their opinion, advertising campaign. The Cannes Lion in this category was awarded to the Unilever agency. Their promotional product was commissioned by AX, a personal care company. Even the angels who will fall from the sky at his feet will not resist the consumer who uses the deodorant of this company.
A creative attitude towards advertising allows you to make the everyday life of the most boring office interesting. For example, Serviceplan Munich became the winner among the designers. Now the annual reports of the Austrian energy company Austria Solar will be printed on light-sensitive paper, which means that the image can be seen only in bright sunlight.
As in previous festivals, the 2012 Cannes Lions awarded prizes to outdoor advertising manufacturers and the best advertising agency. In the Ambient outdoor advertising category, the main prize was awarded to Jung von Matt, which offered Mercedes Benz to place special displays on cars. They give the impression that the car is invisible. Ogilvy Shanghai received the prize for the best outdoor advertising. Their product is an advertising poster for the Coca-Cola company. The Grand Prix in the advertising agency category went to Wieden + Kennedy Portland.