What Is Downshifting

What Is Downshifting
What Is Downshifting

Downshifting literally means downshifting while driving a car, but in the modern world this term is used in a completely different sense. There is a whole ideology of downshifting, the apologists of which are opponents of the traditional way of life.

What is downshifting
What is downshifting

Who are downshifters?

The concept of downshifting in the usual sense was first used in the American press in the early 90s of the last century. This is a socio-cultural phenomenon, representing the idea of abandoning "imposed" values: career, position in society, financial solvency in exchange for travel, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, reducing harm to the environment. The ecological component is very often present in downshifting. Its supporters try to eat food grown on their own, they are more attentive to the issue of garbage disposal. Sometimes downshifters form entire eco-villages in which the use of synthetics is minimized, and even houses are built from environmentally friendly materials.

Downshifting ideology is closely related to the ideas of the hippie movement. The similarities can be found in the external attributes, and in the declared values, and in the passion for vegetarianism.

Downshifting in different countries

In different countries, downshift can manifest itself in different ways, although the main trends remain common to everyone: limiting needs, focusing on personal development, self-improvement, rejection of "social" values. For example, for residents of the United States and England, downshifting is primarily associated with the environment, and Australians-downshifters consider traveling around the world to be the main aspect. Downshifting in Russia mainly affects Moscow and St. Petersburg - cities where the largest number of "white collars" is concentrated. In most cases, it looks like this: a successful middle-level manager suddenly quits a promising job for others, rents out his apartment and leaves for one of the countries of Southeast Asia, where you can live comfortably on the income from renting out housing, and for this you do not even you need to limit your needs in some way.

There are many opponents of downshifting, claiming that so-called "imposed" goals are actually natural for any person, and downshifting is done by those who are unable to achieve these goals.

In addition to the undoubted advantages of downshifting, such as the possibility of self-realization in creativity, the absence of stress and overall health improvement, there are also significant disadvantages of such a lifestyle. These include the lack of a career, a decline in income, an interruption in professional development, and refusal from normal medical care. As a rule, the sources of income for downshifters cannot be called permanent, and a relaxed lifestyle and lack of savings make any money problem quite unpleasant.