The Year Through The Eyes Of An Eyewitness

The Year Through The Eyes Of An Eyewitness
The Year Through The Eyes Of An Eyewitness

Video: The Year Through The Eyes Of An Eyewitness

Video: The Year Through The Eyes Of An Eyewitness
Video: WATCH EYEWITNESS NEWS LIVE! - November 6th 2019 2025, January

On the eve of the New Year, many people want to open the veil of the future in order to join sacred knowledge. However, the existing thematic sources treat this topical problem so formally that sometimes it seems to many that the compilers of horoscopes and all types of forecasts make their reports solely on the basis of topicality, that is, pursuing only the commercial aspect of sensations. And for those who are thirsty for knowledge of the true attitudes towards the development of mankind, it is worth listening to yourself after reading the following text, and only the jubilant novelty of sensations can become a real thermometer of truth.

This is how the Earth will look for a long time
This is how the Earth will look for a long time

Since time immemorial, humanity has been trying to look into the future. After all, it is this time period that contains the most sacred and mystical, and, in addition, it contains the solution to the meaning of life.

And what, in fact, has humanity itself done for this ?! In fact, it turns out that all predictions that have a logical (scientific), pseudoscientific (psychological or astrological) and mystical (religious or occult) nature are not just hypothetical, but are mostly just guesswork. However, it is possible and even necessary to open the veil of the mystery of times. At least within those limits that can motivate humanity to focus their main resources, based on the degree of expediency.

So, always and in everything you need to proceed exclusively from rationality or logic. It is the logical principle that underlies the conscious function of a person. And it is the conscious function that is the creative beginning of the evolution of the Universe. And the entire legislative initiative of the Universe is based only on logic. That is, there are no other dimensions where irrationality prevails over rationality, because the chaotic nature of fundamental matter (ideal chaos) is the primary cause of being, but in no way the basis of the process of creation.

But now you should not dive into those depths of the universe, which should be considered separately from the current topic. So, the spatio-temporal aspect of the Universe implies the connection of the omnipresent matter in all its diversity and quantitative representation. Therefore, not only space is subject to logical analysis, but also time. And this is where the mechanism of the "review of the future" lies. And let's make a reservation right away. There is no fatality of the process, since the creative ability of the conscious function implies not just an impeccable obedience to the laws of being, but also the introduction of conscious elements of creativity into this process, which create this variety of interconnections of matter.

Due to the fact that the temporal aspect has a clear and logical nature of interconnection with matter, the fact of the presence of a “future” in the “present” and even in the “past” follows. That is, the impact of time on matter obeys logic, which in turn allows one to assess the qualities of matter at any time interval. Moreover, the conscious function can itself "anchor" at any point in time and track those consequences that have become possible due to the previous reasons.

Summing up the above, the main thing should be understood - the future already "lives" and it can be "seen" and even "recorded" as a video.

So it turns out that time travel for trained people can be not so much speculative as to state facts. For those who are interested in some facts of the coming year, it is proposed to fix the following in their head.

1) There will be no world war in 2019 (by the way, it won't be for a long time);

2) Attempts to create "artificial intelligence" will continue, however, the implementation of this project is also very far from the present time, which is primarily due not so much to the technological level as to the collective mentality of the current society;

3) Ukraine will indeed split into five parts, of which three will be pro-Russian, one neutral, and one will become a NATO bridgehead;

4) Russia's influence on the world community will increase, while the role of the United States in the global economy and politics will decrease;

5) China will be recognized by all as the leading world economy;

6) Russia will not only have the best missile weapons in the world, its role as a military power will become a priority both in space and on a strategic planetary scale (a large area of the Earth will be controlled by Russian weapons);

7) The myth about the existence of alien life on the Moon and in general within the Solar System in general will be completely dispelled, since it is on Earth that unconditional evidence of the presence of more developed carriers of the conscious function will be found. And they are not plasma or other inorganic material objects, namely androids. These entities are those legendary representatives of the supernatural world who for a long time controlled the entire process of human development. And unequivocal proofs of the existence of the Universal Hierarchy will be presented;

8) Humanity will re-evaluate all the temporary norms of its civilization. It turns out that there are no billions and trillions of years of formation of stellar and planetary formations, and our ideas about the Universe do not completely correspond to the actual nature of the universe. Fundamental matter will be recognized not just as a chaotic formation, but as an ideal chaos, on the basis of which a verified construction of various models of the universe takes place;

9) Humanity will begin to create the basic conditions for cosmopolitan processes. The First Earth Constitution will be created and the principles for the formation of the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Agencies, the Financial System, etc. will be spelled out;

10) The foundation stone of the underground city will be laid within the framework of the “Ark of the Apocalypse” social program. In addition, scientists around the world will find a way to stop the deviation of the Earth's magnetic axis from its geographical counterpart.

By the way, there are really a lot of points, so I had to dwell on the most global ones, of which there were exactly "ten" points, which, according to the decimal system, can be considered a really ideal number.
