The brownie, according to Slavic mythology, is a small creature that lives in every house and takes an active part in the affairs of its inhabitants. Usually the brownie is invisible, so you have to judge about his attitude towards the owners of the house by indirect signs.

The existence of brownies could be considered fiction, but the huge number of stories of people who happened to see him or face his pranks, makes us take this phenomenon seriously. Analyzing the facts related to the activities of brownies, we can conclude that these creatures live in a close, but still slightly different from ours, world. That is why people see brownies only in exceptional cases - for example, in a nap or immediately after awakening, when consciousness still remains slightly changed and a person can perceive elements of another reality.
As a rule, the brownie is very friendly towards people, but in some cases the tenants of an apartment or house may feel his dissatisfaction. This is manifested in various tricks of the brownie - small things can disappear somewhere or change their location, sometimes strange knocks and creaks are heard. Sometimes the brownie falls on a sleeping person, it may even give the impression that he is strangling him. But this is not so - the brownie never does evil. And if something goes wrong in your relationship with him, you need to find out the reason for this.
What can cause dissatisfaction with the brownie? One of the possible reasons is dirt in the house. The brownie does not like sloppy owners; a dirty, unkempt house irritates him. Sometimes it is enough for the owners to put things in order so that the brownie calms down and no longer bothers them.
Another reason that can anger a brownie is domestic fights. If the owners constantly swear, the brownie tries to show them his displeasure. The way out of the situation is quite obvious - it is enough to establish peace in the family, and the brownie will stop pestering the owners with his tricks.
There is a belief that a brownie can be appeased by making him some kind of offerings. This is not entirely true - if the house is dirty and constant quarrels, no gifts will help. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the brownie's dissatisfaction, everything else is secondary. As for gifts and treats, they should be offered to the housekeeper as a sign of attention, and not in order to achieve something from him. The brownie feels well how they treat him, it is impossible to deceive him.
Sometimes he starts to play pranks for no apparent reason - perhaps he is simply bored. In this case, you can put a deck of cards on the cabinet and say: "Brownie, here are some cards for you, play." After that, the brownie usually calms down. If this did not happen, then there is some more serious reason for his discontent and it must be looked for.
When moving to a new place of residence, you should take the brownie with you. An old felt boot or a zippered bag will be a good vehicle for him. The brownie is invited to go with the owners, they put a felt boot or a bag on the floor. After some time, the felt boots should be tied with a clean rag, and the bag should be closed and transported to a new place.