When Can You Order A Memorial Service For The Dead

When Can You Order A Memorial Service For The Dead
When Can You Order A Memorial Service For The Dead

Remembrance of the departed is the religious duty of every Christian. Prayer for the dead is an important part of remembering our deceased relatives. In Orthodox churches there are special memorial prayers that are part of the rite of the requiem.

When can you order a memorial service for the dead
When can you order a memorial service for the dead

A memorial service is a small rite of the Orthodox Church, in which the prayer commemoration of the dead is carried out. Usually the requiem is performed in Orthodox churches after the divine liturgy and prayer services. You can order a funeral service innumerable times. In this, the funeral service differs from the funeral service (the latter is performed over the deceased only once).

There is a practice to order a memorial service for special memorial days (parental Saturdays). These include the second, third and fourth Saturdays of Lent, Meatless parental Saturday (before Lent), Troitsky parental Saturday (before the feast of the Holy Trinity), Dimitrievsky parental Saturday (Saturday before the memory of Dimitri of Thessaloniki), Radonnitsa (Tuesday of the second week after Easter).

In addition to certain commemorative dates, it is customary to order a memorial service on the 9th, 40th day, as well as the anniversary of the deceased person.

It should be borne in mind that a memorial service is an act of prayerful remembrance of a person. Therefore, you can order a memorial service for your deceased relatives at any other time when this rite is performed in churches. That is, almost every Saturday and Sunday in Orthodox churches memorial services are performed for the dead. You can write down the names of your deceased loved ones at each memorial service.

It should be borne in mind that there are certain days when the deceased are not remembered in the temples. This is Easter with Bright Week, the great Twelve Great Feasts, Christmastide. The rest of the time a memorial service in temples may well be performed.
