Why Russian Girls Are Popular In Germany

Why Russian Girls Are Popular In Germany
Why Russian Girls Are Popular In Germany

International marriage is not particularly rare today. Most often, Russian girls and women go abroad. The most popular are Turkey, the countries of North America and Western Europe. Recently, young and not so men from Germany have paid much attention to Russian beauties.

Why Russian girls are popular in Germany
Why Russian girls are popular in Germany

Modern Germany: features of the love mentality

Modern German women actively reject the “three K” rule that reigned in German homes several decades ago. It sounds simple: “Kinder, Kϋche, Kirche”, which means “children, kitchen, church”. Today, a young German mother, at the earliest opportunity, tries to go to work, sharing family and household responsibilities equally with her husband.

But the German struggle for equality has gone somewhat far. An increasing number of young women are refusing to start a family. They not only do not want to get married, but also diligently delay the moment of the child's birth. Some openly declare a desire to live life only for themselves.

Many Germans are "friends" with their halves from school. These relationships are very strong and often develop into a real family. Those who could not create such a pair have to enjoy short-term relationships.

German men don't really like this approach to life. Many people lack simple family joys and feminine warmth. It is becoming more and more difficult every year to find a reliable wife and mother among your compatriots who can make your home warm and comfortable.

Most Germans try to avoid women careerists. A man in a given country wants to be somewhat higher than his chosen one financially (and, often, socially). In Germany, among the stronger sex, it is almost impossible to meet a gigolo or a keeper.

The increase in the number of independent, freedom-loving women forced German men to pay attention to girls from other countries. Today in Germany, alliances between a German and girls from Asian or African countries are very frequent. However, the advantage remains with the beauties from Eastern Europe.

Russian wife for german husband

Russian girls are very popular in Germany. Moreover, not only former compatriots or their children pay attention to them. Modern indigenous Aryans often wish to become acquainted with Russian for relationships and family creation. However, it should be noted: the popularity of Russian girls is fanned by some myths.

Germans are still convinced that Russian women combine the most suitable qualities for a family: humility, desire for motherhood, the ability to keep a house in order and cook deliciously. Also, the Slavic representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by their beauty and charm, they know how to "keep in the background" and are ready to take on any job.

Some men are sure that a Russian girl will be grateful to them for taking them out of the country and providing shelter. Very often, Slavs become for such men cleaners and nannies, and not beloved women.

A German man who believes in this image seeks to find himself a Russian wife. But the goal achieved may not meet expectations. Modern girls from Russia know how to value themselves and rarely strive to become a housewife in Germany. Like Germans, Russians want to realize themselves outside the home, preferably in a country with a high standard of living. Germany is perfect for these purposes.

If you want to please a foreign prince, you must remember one old truth. Harmonious international (and not only) family relationships are obtained in two cases: either according to the correct calculation, where everything is agreed in advance and none of the spouses is in illusions about the other, or by a big sincere feeling. Self-deception and various omissions will not bring what they want to either side.
