What Is The Secret Of Egyptian Frescoes

What Is The Secret Of Egyptian Frescoes
What Is The Secret Of Egyptian Frescoes

The secret of Egyptian frescoes is that there is no consensus on the interpretation of the drawings. The meaning of the image can be deciphered objectively, that is, by what is drawn. So it is subjective, based on the understanding of the symbolism of the ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian frescoes attract the eye, make you delve into their meaning
Egyptian frescoes attract the eye, make you delve into their meaning

Decoding of frescoes

Egyptian frescoes provide an opportunity to see how people lived in Ancient Egypt. Artists painted events in which gods, pharaohs or ordinary people participated.

The images show how the world works, what functions the gods have, events from their lives. For example, the goddess Nut is represented by the firmament, stars are drawn inside her body, which she swallows every morning.

On many frescoes, you can see the movement of Ra in his boat, he is surrounded by a retinue of other gods. When the boat descends into the underworld, a battle with the serpent Apop takes place. In the tombs, Anubis was often depicted embalming. In palaces and tombs, the life of the pharaoh and the royal family is painted on frescoes. The frescoes also had a deeper, hidden meaning.

A different meaning of frescoes

It is possible to unravel the meaning of Egyptian frescoes not only objectively and visually, but also by the meanings of the colors that are contained in the drawing. The Egyptians attached great importance to color, spiritualized it.

The presence of blue in the image meant a divine meaning. Any blue elements of the fresco indicate a connection with eternity and the gods. The blue color in the picture shows cleansing, revitalization. The blue things in the image have vitality.

One of the favorite colors of the ancient Egyptians was green. This color symbolized goodness, creation, life and resurrection. For example, in all the frescoes, the god Osiris has green skin. This means that he is the conqueror of death, the personification of the reborn and creative nature.

Turquoise was of particular importance in ancient Egypt. According to the Egyptians, it is in this color that the creation of the human soul is painted. The turquoise elements of the fresco signified a connection with spiritual power.

The artists painted in black what should be secret, hidden. Everything that cannot be expressed by a human hand was depicted in black. The Egyptians clearly imagined and believed in an afterlife. But everything connected with death, including the gods of death, were black.

The image on frescoes of white clothes, a crown and other things means closeness to the divine principle and purity.

The yellow color personified sublimity, immortality, incorruptibility. What was supposed to have an extraterrestrial meaning, spirituality was painted in yellow colors. This is the color of the pharaohs and gods.

When interpreting red on a fresco, you need to be careful and careful. Since red had a dual meaning in ancient Egypt. On the one hand, it is the color of destruction and death, on the other, it personified energy, the riot of life. However, in this contradiction, one can find how one passes into another. Red is the blood that is shed in war, but also the blood that flows in every person gives strength. The destroyer god Seth has a red mane on the frescoes. The solar disk, which gives life to all living things, is also red.

For an example of such an interpretation of the fresco, you can use the image of Anubis. God was depicted with a black head, which indicates his connection with death and the afterlife. His head is covered with a blue crown, and he holds a blue ankh in his hand. It is a symbol of divinity and eternity. Golden elements of clothing mean the immortality of God, his presence outside of earthly life.
