How To Act During A Mudflow In The Mountains

How To Act During A Mudflow In The Mountains
How To Act During A Mudflow In The Mountains

Mudflow is called a stream of water, snow, ice, mud and debris of different sizes, moving in the beds of mountain rivers. It occurs after intense snow melting, heavy rains, overflow of reservoirs, earthquakes, etc. The flow velocity can exceed 10 m / s, the height of the forward wave is 15 m.

How to act during a mudflow in the mountains
How to act during a mudflow in the mountains

The mudflow hazardous areas are usually known. Anti-mudflow dams are being built there, by-pass channels are being laid, measures are being taken to reduce the water level in mountain lakes. Trees and shrubs are planted on the slopes of the mountains to strengthen the soil, constant monitoring is conducted, evacuation plans are being developed in case of mudflows.

When notifying about a possible descent, warn your neighbors. Collect documents, money, food, water and medicine. If your neighbors need help due to old age or illness, help them with the collection. Turn off gas and electricity, close windows and doors tightly. In the event of an emergency evacuation, climb up a hill to a safe location. Help physically weak people to get up.

If you are going on a mountain hike, carefully study the proposed route - if there are any mudflow-prone areas there. If weather services report heavy rainfall or intense snowmelt in this area, consider the possibility of a mudflow. The most dangerous season is spring and summer. Do not go to the mountains in bad weather and follow the route for changes in weather. There are practically no chances to escape, being caught in a rapid stream, so you need to do everything to avoid meeting with him.

The likelihood of mudflows directly depends on the steepness of the slope. With a steepness over 60 °, a descent can occur after any snowfall. Dangerous are bare, without trees and bushes slopes with steepness over 30 °.

The movement of the mudflow is accompanied by a roar. Hearing this sound, try to immediately climb from the lowland to the mountain for at least 100 m, of course, staying away from riverbeds and streams. It should be borne in mind that large stones moving in the stream can fly to the sides over a long distance.

Every tourist group and every home should have a first aid kit with first aid equipment: sterile and elastic bandage, antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide), pain relievers. Provide first aid to victims. After the mudflow has left, help the rescuers in the analysis of debris and drifts and in the evacuation of the wounded.
