Why Are They Trying To Sue Madonna For Money?

Why Are They Trying To Sue Madonna For Money?
Why Are They Trying To Sue Madonna For Money?

The recent concert of Madonna in St. Petersburg became a precedent for the trial. A lawsuit in the amount of $ 333 million was brought against the performer herself, as well as the heads of the Olimpiyskiy sports complex, where the concert was held, and its organizer, PMI.

Why are they trying to sue Madonna for money?
Why are they trying to sue Madonna for money?

The claim against Madonna was accepted by the Moscow District Court of St. Petersburg. It was compiled by the Trade Union of Russian Citizens, as well as other public organizations. The world famous pop star is accused of offensive behavior for Orthodox believers on stage, of trampling on the symbols of the Christian faith in front of a large crowd. Evidence is also presented to the court: a video that clearly shows how Madonna tramples the Orthodox cross with her feet and asks to raise her hands with pink bracelets.

In addition, at a concert in St. Petersburg, the singer supported gays and lesbians, encouraging sexual minorities to express themselves. While singing the song Human nature, she stripped down to her bra, showing on the back the inscription: No Fear (no fear). Madonna added that gays all over the world have the same rights to equality, respect and love, which caused discontent among the activists of the parent organization - children under the age of 12 were also present at this concert.

Alexander Pochuev, a lawyer for the prosecution, in response to accusations of medieval behavior in the media, stressed that the plaintiffs resorted to "a civilized, modern and popular way to protect their rights, that is, by filing a lawsuit." Pochuev also drew attention to the fact that "Nobody burned anyone at the stake, the Inquisition was not used." According to him, modern civilization has the right to demand respect for the values of people of other faiths.

Any kind of photo, audio and video filming at the Madonna's concert in St. Petersburg was prohibited. The audience was informed about this by an informational video in the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex, long before the singer's performance began. In this regard, the organizers of the last concert also expressed their readiness to file a lawsuit against activists of various movements for illegal video filming.

Many opponents of opposition sentiments were also outraged by Madonna's open support for the notorious group Pussy Riot at a Moscow concert on August 7, 2012.