What Is Racism

What Is Racism
What Is Racism

Racism is a set of antiscientific concepts, which are based on provisions on the mental and physical inequality of human races, on the impact of racial differences on the culture of society. The preachers of racism are convinced that the higher races are the creators of civilization and must rule, while the lower ones are not capable of mastering a high culture and therefore are doomed to exploitation.

What is racism
What is racism

The ideologues of racism believe that they fulfill the will of Nature, helping her to preserve her most important creations. They argue that the superiority of some peoples and the inferiority of others is of a bioanthropological nature, and therefore cannot be changed under the influence of the social environment and upbringing.

Considerations about the natural inequality of races appeared in the slave society and served to substantiate the differences between slaves and slave owners. In the Middle Ages, judgments about "blood" differences justified class inequality. In the 16-18 centuries, when European states were seizing colonies, racism was an explanation for the inhuman exploitation and extermination of Indians, Africans, and peoples of South Asia.

In the middle of the 19th century, the first theoretical works on racism appeared. The founder of the racist theory is called Joseph de Gobineau, who explained various historical models by the mental characteristics of the races of their creators. In his writings, he declared the "superior" race of blue-eyed and fair-haired Aryans. Later, the term "Aryan race" was used by the German fascists, who referred to it mainly as Germans. Racism became the official ideology of fascism, it was used to justify an aggressive policy, the physical destruction of millions of civilians, the creation of concentration camps, torture and executions. A similar "racist practice" was carried out by the Japanese militarists in China and the Italian fascists in Ethiopia. Racist ideas are reflected in social Darwinism, according to which the laws of the development of human society are reduced to the laws of biological evolution.

In the modern, broad sense, racism refers to printed, verbal, physical manifestations of hatred towards individuals or entire nations, the policy of persecution, humiliation, infliction of violence, incitement to enmity, dissemination of defamatory information on a national or racial basis, ethnicity, or religious affiliation. Nazism, fascism, chauvinism.

Today racism is the strictest social taboo and is persecuted in many countries by law, and not only real actions, but also the preaching of racism. It is not customary to extend the definition of racism to professional, age or gender groups, to sexual minorities, or to historical phenomena.

The reason for racism is in human thinking, not in skin color. Therefore, healing from racial prejudice, intolerance and xenophobia must be sought in getting rid of false beliefs that have fueled wrong concepts for millennia. Any theory of superiority based on racial difference is scientifically unsupported and reprehensible, unfair and dangerous. There is no theoretical or practical justification for racial discrimination.