Is It Necessary To Bring Up A Sense Of Patriotism In Children

Is It Necessary To Bring Up A Sense Of Patriotism In Children
Is It Necessary To Bring Up A Sense Of Patriotism In Children

Patriotism is love for one's homeland, people. Even relatively recently, the question “Is it necessary to instill patriotism in children, to educate them in the spirit of love for their fatherland” would seem ridiculous. Of course you do! Now, one can often hear the opinion that in the era of general globalization, when people freely travel around the world and often move to a permanent place of residence in another country, the feeling of patriotism is not as important as it used to be. But is it?

Is it necessary to bring up a sense of patriotism in children
Is it necessary to bring up a sense of patriotism in children

Why children should be raised as patriots from early childhood

Love for your land, your people is an understandable and natural phenomenon for a reasonable person. After all, he was born in this country, took his first steps there, began to learn about the world around him, for the first time uttered the word "mother". Many generations of his ancestors lived in this country. But this love does not arise by itself, it must be delicately and unobtrusively instilled, and from the earliest childhood.

A person who sincerely loves his country and his people is ready to make a contribution to the good of his homeland, and, if necessary, to protect it. Unfortunately, our world is imperfect, and disputes, even conflicts, will arise between states. Therefore, situations are inevitable when the leaders of this or that country will have to firmly defend the position and interests of their state. And for this they need the support of the citizens of the country. An eloquent example is the situation around Ukraine, when Russia was forced, in order to protect its geopolitical interests and national security, to go to a tough confrontation with many Western countries (primarily the United States). But such support is possible only if citizens are brought up in a patriotic spirit.

Patriots who sincerely love their country will try to avoid unseemly actions, respect other people, and protect nature. They do not have to be idealists who only see the merits of their homeland and stubbornly ignore the shortcomings. But a person brought up in a patriotic spirit will not indiscriminately blame his country and its order, but will try to correct something to the best of his strength and ability. At least in the smallest way, at the household level, for example, to maintain cleanliness in the entrance, to work conscientiously, to behave with dignity and observe the laws, setting an example for others. All of the above explains why children should be raised as patriots.

What is the difference between patriotism and chauvinism

However, as in any business, when raising children in a patriotic spirit, extremes must be avoided. After all, a true patriot, sincerely loving his homeland, his fellow citizens, will not treat other countries and peoples with hostility or contempt. Otherwise, such "hurray-patriotism" can take the form of chauvinism, and this is an extremely negative phenomenon that will not benefit either the person himself or his country. Parents need to instill in their child not only love for their country, but also respect for the inhabitants of other countries.
