How To Register From One Place To Another

How To Register From One Place To Another
How To Register From One Place To Another

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In order to change the place of permanent registration (it is also called registration), you need to perform several consecutive steps. In accordance with the Constitution, any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to change his place of residence by completing the necessary documents.

How to register from one place to another
How to register from one place to another


Step 1

Contact the passport office at the house management at your place of residence or the FMS office. Find out in advance the opening hours of these institutions, as they do not receive citizens every day.

Step 2

Write an application in the prescribed form, informing the employees of the migration service about your desire to change the place of registration. In order to deregister, you do not need the consent of either the owner of the dwelling or other registered tenants. However, you will have to give your new address and the city in which you will live, so you will not be able to “check out anywhere”.

Step 3

Three days later, come for your passport, which will have a stamp on your deregistration, and a departure sheet, which contains your new address.

Step 4

Contact the housing office or the office of the migration service at the place of your new stay with these documents. To register, you will need to submit one of the papers: a certificate of ownership of a residential property, a social tenancy agreement, or a statement from the owner of the apartment in which you are going to register. Pay the state fee and expect within three business days. Receive your passport with a new stamp.

Step 5

You can shorten the execution of formal procedures a little. You have the right to immediately apply to the registration authorities at your new place of residence, without leaving your old apartment. In this case, two stamps will be put in your passport at once: both on deregistration and on a new registration.

Step 6

Remember that citizens liable for military service will have to notify the military registration and enlistment office of their new place of registration. In addition, if you move to another city, you will also have to change the TIN.
