Popular Swedish Omens And Superstitions

Popular Swedish Omens And Superstitions
Popular Swedish Omens And Superstitions

Video: Popular Swedish Omens And Superstitions

Video: Popular Swedish Omens And Superstitions
Video: Top 10 Scary Swedish Myths 2025, January

Perhaps every country in the world has its own signs in which people continue to believe to this day. Northern Sweden is no exception. What superstitions are especially popular among the Swedes? And how do they “fight” bad signs?

Signs and superstitions in Sweden
Signs and superstitions in Sweden

In the past, in Sweden, they sincerely believed that the entire territory of the country was inhabited not only by people, but also by various magical creatures, for example, insidious and often evil trolls. There was a belief: if the troll did not have time to hide in the dark before sunrise and the first crow of the rooster, he would turn to stone. At the same time, a superstition was born in Sweden: lonely boulders and cobblestones that get in the way bring misfortune and grief. The Swedes continue to believe in this sign to this day. Therefore, they try to avoid large stones as far as possible and avoid situations where it would be necessary to touch a lonely boulder.

In Sweden, it is not customary to cross your fingers for luck or close your eyes to protect yourself from some kind of evil. However, the Swedes, to ward off trouble, knock on wood, spit over their left shoulder and slap each other three times on the back.

As in Russia, in Sweden they are very wary of black cats crossing the road. Swedes believe that a black cat brings misfortune. To protect themselves from problems, they go around the place where the black cat was. And if there is no way to make a hook, superstitious Swedes squeeze a button from their clothes in their fingers and diligently spit over their left shoulder.

Popular in the Scandinavian country are signs associated with sewer manholes. On hatch covers in Swedish cities, either the letter "K" or the letter "A" is beaten out. Superstitious people believe that you should never step on the hatch cover where the letter "A" is located. Otherwise, a "black streak" will begin in life, minor troubles will happen for at least 3 days.

The second interpretation of signs with hatch covers is associated with love and happiness in personal life. In Swedish, the word "love" begins with the letter "K". Therefore, superstitious Swedes believe that stumbling on a hatch with this letter on the street is a huge success. The more such hatches are encountered on the way, the better the relationship with the passion will develop. But if the Swede is unlucky, if he constantly stumbles upon hatches with the letter "A", then according to the Swedish folk omens this promises a person problems with his beloved (beloved), quarrels in the family, betrayal and betrayal.

In Sweden, it is customary to have an unusual amulet at home in the form of a metal ring or a metal mug with a hole. Such a product is hung on a string above the entrance to the house, above the windows or above the bed. The amulet is called "troll cross". Its action is somewhat similar to the magical powers of an ordinary horseshoe. The Swedes believe that the "troll cross" protects the whole family from evil, creates an invisible barrier for evil spirits so that they cannot get into the house. Such an amulet attracts good luck and prosperity to life, protects against accidents and diseases.

Relying on old superstitions, Swedes try never to put keys on the table. Swedish signs say: if you leave a bunch of keys or even one key on the table, it will attract troubles and troubles to the owner of the key (s).

In the Scandinavian country, the omen associated with water is considered popular. Single girls, women should be very neat. If they often spill water or other liquid, this promises them a walking and drinking husband in the future.

Another female superstition is associated with pies and cakes. If a girl (woman), taking a piece of pie or cake from a plate, drops a treat, this is regarded as a very bad sign. The Swedes believe that such a girl (woman) will never marry, and all her love relationships will end in major scandals, betrayal and betrayal by a man.