Population Of Georgia: Current State

Population Of Georgia: Current State
Population Of Georgia: Current State

Georgia is a relatively small country in terms of population: it is home to about 4.5 million people. However, the population of this state is distinguished by significant ethnic diversity.

Population of Georgia: current state
Population of Georgia: current state

Population size

According to the National Statistical Bureau of Georgia, as of the beginning of 2014, the total population of the country was 4490.5 thousand people. Most of this number traditionally lives in the capital of the country - Tbilisi. As of the same date, the number of people living in Tbilisi amounted to 1,175.2 thousand people: thus, the share of residents of the capital in the total population of the state reached 26.17%.

At the same time, Georgia is an example of a country that, unlike many European states, is characterized, although not too intensively, by an increase in population. So, at the end of 2014, it increased in comparison with 2013 by 0, 14%. Compared to 2010, when the number of residents of Georgia was 4436, 4 thousand people, the number of residents of the state in 2014 increased by 1.22%. And if we compare today's indicators with 2004, that is, with a period of ten years ago, we can record an increase in the population by 4.06%.

Population composition

More boys than girls are usually born in Georgia: for example, in 2014, the number of male children under the age of 1 year was 29, 8 thousand, and the number of female children - 27, 8 thousand. However, subsequently, due to the action of various factors, the demographic pyramid acquires a shift towards women: in total, in the population of Georgia in 2014, women accounted for 52.3%, men - 47.7%. 53, 2% of the country's inhabitants live in urban areas, and the remaining 46, 7% - in rural settlements, where they are engaged in crop and livestock production, make the famous Georgian wine and other agricultural products.

The data on the ethnic composition of the country's population, obtained during the last census conducted in 2002, indicate that the bulk of the population of the state is ethnic Georgians: they account for more than 80% of the population. The second ethnic group in terms of this indicator is Azerbaijanis: the share of residents of this neighboring country permanently residing in Georgia is about 6.5% of the population of the state. Ethnic Armenians make up about 5.7% of the population. But the share of Russian citizens in Georgia is small: today it is about 1.5%.

At the same time, during the years of the Soviet Union, the number of Russians permanently residing in Georgia was significantly higher: back in 1989 it was about 6.3%, and the maximum value of this indicator was reached in 1959, when 10.1% lived in the country. ethnic Russians. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union as a result of the mass migration of the Russian population from Georgia, its share has significantly decreased.
