How To Get A Traumatic Weapon Permit

How To Get A Traumatic Weapon Permit
How To Get A Traumatic Weapon Permit

Modern criminogenic realities are such that many fellow citizens are thinking about purchasing protective equipment. Most often, the choice is made in favor of the so-called traumatics - various types of weapons, the design and purpose of which does not imply a fatal defeat and serves only for self-defense purposes.

How to get a traumatic weapon permit
How to get a traumatic weapon permit

However, as practice shows, the comparative availability of traumatic weapons has caused a number of conflicts with their use, as a result of which people actually died. Traumatism in the hands of street hooligans, alcoholics, drug addicts has become dangerous for the life and health of others. Therefore, it is quite reasonable that Russian legislation has tightened the requirements for the acquisition, storage and carrying of traumatic weapons. He was given a new status - a firearm of limited destruction. Therefore, those who wish must necessarily acquire a license for traumatics.

The persons who are prohibited from selling traumatic weapons are clearly defined. These are people under the age of 18, with an outstanding conviction or conditionally convicted and brought to administrative responsibility for violation of public order. Those who are registered with the police as members of organized criminal groups cannot acquire traumatism.

Weapons are serious

Collecting the necessary documents to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon is troublesome and not fast. But it is worth agreeing that weapons are a serious matter and must be taken seriously. The first thing that is necessary is to visit the district clinic and all specialists so that they fill out medical certificate No. 046-1. Doctors will indicate what kind of vision, hearing, mental health status you have, whether you are registered with a narcologist.

Then you need to sign the act of verification with the district police inspector. He will confirm that you have properly prepared for the purchase of weapons: you have purchased a roomy safe for storing injuries, weapons supplies and ammunition. This safe must be securely attached to the wall. The most important activity for obtaining a license is training in the safe handling of limited firearms. Such a training organization is usually found in every city or district center. Experts teach the skills of handling weapons, shooting techniques. Upon completion of studies, a corresponding certificate is issued, which is attached to the general package of necessary documents. You also need a certificate of connecting the apartment to the burglar alarm, and if the safe with traumatism is on the first floor - equipping the windows with protective grilles.

License is legality

Further, the documents will be considered by the local department of licensing and permitting work. After 1 month, he is obliged to issue a license for traumatics, with which you can already go to the gun store for a long-awaited purchase. Without a license, no legal store will release the goods. Within 14 days after purchasing the weapon, you need to register it in the same department of licensing and permitting work, where they will issue a permit to carry traumatics for a period of 5 years.