How To Stop The War

How To Stop The War
How To Stop The War

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“The soldiers, for safety reasons, divided people into groups. Mothers were put on one bus, their children on the other. Without tears, it was impossible to watch how they said goodbye to each other. The bomb hit the bus with children …”- the words of the Afghan Sergei. War is a very terrible phenomenon in the history of mankind. How can you stop her?

How to stop the war
How to stop the war


Step 1

First, understand the true causes of the conflict. In most cases, this is money. They can be expressed in the amount of oil reserves or the ability to earn money from the supply of weapons. Additional income can be the production and provision of the region with building materials. The countries will be in dire need of them for more than one year after the destructive actions of the warring parties.

Step 2

Create an international commission that would carefully check all statements about the cause of the outbreak of war. If the facts are not confirmed, allow the commission to impose very tough sanctions against the country that made a loud statement. Up to the closure of accounts and their confiscation. Also stop investing in this country and providing loans.

Step 3

Pass laws that would oblige the highest officials responsible for the outbreak of the war to spend some time in the hot spot of hostilities, at least a week. In such a situation, people, before starting a war, it would be good to weigh everything. And the time for the settlement of the military conflict would be sharply reduced.

Step 4

Stop supplying weapons of any kind. To do this, close all boundaries and impose tight controls on this.

Step 5

Introduce a policy of non-interference of other countries in a military conflict. The fewer participants, the higher the chances for an early cessation of hostilities.

Step 6

Sit down at the negotiating table. A peaceful settlement of the conflict will always be the best solution to the problem.

Step 7

Find leaders. Isolate them from companions. Most people are incapable of any organized action without a leader.

Step 8

Engage civilians in cessation of hostilities. To do this, they can be used in the construction of additional barriers to the advancement of ground military equipment.
