How To Close Yourself Off From The Whole World

How To Close Yourself Off From The Whole World
How To Close Yourself Off From The Whole World

“You cannot live in society and be completely free from it” is a well-known expression. But some people still periodically have such a desire - to isolate themselves from the outside world, to create for themselves an "ivory tower" and live independently of others.

How to close yourself off from the whole world
How to close yourself off from the whole world

It is rather difficult to carry out such a plan in full. To do this, you have to literally become a hermit, build yourself a dwelling in a remote place where no human has ever set foot and work hard to provide yourself with food, protect yourself from the cold, etc. Examples of such modern hermits are known, but few of them inspire - modern man is too accustomed to the benefits of civilization and, as a rule, is not ready to give them up. But you can try to minimize your communication with the outside world.

Life support

In a modern society without a livelihood, i.e. without money, it is almost impossible to live. And earning them involves visiting the workplace, communicating with colleagues, superiors, obeying various requirements and rules, observing certain time, social, ethical and other frameworks.

Although, if you wish, you can find ways to make money without being constrained by the framework of traditional working relationships. First of all, it can be remote work. If you want to keep communication with colleagues and bosses to a minimum, you should choose a type of activity where labor relations are the least personalized: say, you take on a task, complete it and automatically receive a reward for it. Or you create an original product and sell it through Internet resources.

The undoubted advantage of such work will be the absence of a rigid schedule, not necessarily being in the "workplace" at a certain time, as well as the ability to independently determine the amount of work performed.

By the way, it should be borne in mind that, having decided to isolate yourself from the outside world, you have every chance to significantly reduce your expenses: you no longer have to buy things for the sake of "prestige", "status" and other conventions accepted in society. The main task will be to ensure your own comfort and satisfaction of personal urgent needs, which, if necessary, can be made rather modest - after all, you no longer need to "splurge" your friends, acquaintances and relatives.


The social circle can be minimized or (if desired) completely stop communicating. Friends and acquaintances will quickly lose interest in you if you regularly refuse an offer to pay a visit, meet, participate in a joint event, just stop answering phone calls.

The situation with relatives is a little more complicated, especially if they depend on you, for example, children or sick people. In this case, you cannot stop communicating with them. But you can try so that thanks to them your personal circle does not expand: for example, communicate with them only in private, without the presence of strangers.

As for communicating with other people of the so-called "far circle", then there is no need to worry about this: purchases of necessary goods can be made on the Internet. Supermarkets and hypermarkets also do not involve active dialogue with sellers. The required payments can be made through payment terminals, etc.

External channels of information

And, of course, so that nothing distracts you from living in your own world, shut off external channels of information: do not watch TV, do not visit news sites and forums on the Internet, do not buy periodicals. Now the outside world has ceased to exist for you, and gradually it will also "forget" about you.

But it is worth remembering that this kind of "autonomous" existence is fraught with a number of dangers: no one will rush to help you if something goes wrong; you will have no one to turn to with an elementary request, and there will be no one to simply “pour out your soul” if such a need suddenly arises. Still, a person is a social being, and, completely isolated from society, he sometimes feels very uncomfortable.
