Why Society Arises

Why Society Arises
Why Society Arises

Man appeared on Earth about 200 thousand years ago. Around the same time, human society was born. The first society in history is called a primitive, or clan, society.

Why society arises
Why society arises

The very first human need is food, clothing, shelter. A lonely person was not able to provide for himself, get food, be protected from animals. Without uniting into a society, a person was unable to arrange a normal existence for himself. He was forced to either die, or turn into an animal, or act in concert with relatives. So, the reason for the formation of a primitive society was the impossibility of man to survive alone. Because of this, tribal communities and tribes were formed, which obtained their food by hunting, gathering, fishing, providing protection from animals, and building dwellings. As a person develops, spiritual needs began to appear. The need for spiritual food unites people no less, and sometimes even more, than material necessity. Among the spiritual needs, the main ones were religious aspirations and interests that pulled people to a single center, brought them together and filled them with a sense of community. Spiritual needs that unite people in society also include the desire to learn about the world around them, their inner nature and personal relationships. People are pushed towards these goals not by simple curiosity, but by the need to understand the meaning of life, the essence of nature, the desire to facilitate their work, improve life. The natural need of man, rooted in his nature, is knowledge. It can be satisfied only in conditions of cohabitation of people, i.e. in the conditions of society, but society is not only a collection of people united by common interests and various forms of their joint activity, but also the maintenance of a certain order in relations. The need to regulate human relations is another reason for the emergence of society. It is no less important than the emergence of a common goal in people.