Should A Person Adapt To Social Conditions

Should A Person Adapt To Social Conditions
Should A Person Adapt To Social Conditions

A person lives in society, and it is very difficult to go against the established canons and rules of behavior. Is it worth adapting to them, or is it quite possible to live according to your own principles?

Man and society
Man and society

We are born among people, we live and die among them. This inevitable wheel of life, with the exception of rare cases, is natural for every person. That is why so much attention has been paid to the socialization of children, so that from an early age people learn to live in society.

The importance of child socialization

All sane parents strive to teach their child to interact with others. Without this, it is impossible to imagine his happy and just normal future. If he does not live according to the laws of society, already as an adult, he will not be able to take his place in society, which will inevitably lead to psychological problems, lack of work, friends and family.

No matter how rebellious the kid is by nature, he must reckon with the well-established rules. And this should be taught to him by his parents.

Only through interaction with other people does the child become a person. He learns the experience of previous generations, forms his opinion about various things, which is also largely influenced by generally accepted norms.

But what if we don't accept the social “rules of the game”?

If a person lives by his own rules, which go against the generally accepted foundations, other people will at best shy away from him. At worst, he will have to deal with law enforcement agencies.

But even if a person does not violate anything, he will still have hard times in a world where certain foundations reign. People do not like those who go against everyone.

But what about Robinson Crusoe?

This question probably has arisen from some readers. Yes, it's over, Robinson was forced to live in a desert island for a long time. But at the same time he used the knowledge that he acquired during his time in the company of people. If he didn’t have this knowledge base, he would have had a hard time.

Do you remember how happy he was on Friday ?! This once again confirms that it is difficult for a person to live without society. He needs nourishment, both emotional and intellectual.

Also, stories are known of cases when small children from birth found themselves in the jungle without other people and were raised by animals like Mowgli. When they were subsequently found, these children were already irretrievably lost to society. They behaved like wild animals and did not succumb to socialization.

We are not just born as people - we have much more opportunities to reveal ourselves as individuals, to comprehend spiritual and intellectual heights. And the above cases proved that it is impossible to become a full-fledged person without accepting social conditions!

You can be an introvert and get along with a minimum of communication - you have every right to do so. And there are many such people. But living by your own rules, going against the majority, is impossible! You need to be able to listen to other people and live in tune with them.
