Who Is The Son Of Osiris

Who Is The Son Of Osiris
Who Is The Son Of Osiris

According to Plutarch's stories, the sons of Osiris were Horus - a solar deity and Anubis - the god of the underworld. However, in the case of Horus Isis, Osiris's wife became pregnant from his corpse.

Anubis Leads Pharaoh to Judgment
Anubis Leads Pharaoh to Judgment

Anubis - god of the underworld

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis is mainly the guide of human souls through darkness, the patron saint of magic and the teacher of magic. Anubis's mother was Seth's wife Nephthys. She conceived a son as a result of adultery. Nephthys took the form of Osiris' wife Isis in order to seduce him. Frightened by her husband's betrayal, Nephthys threw Anubis into the reed thickets, where Isis found him, who raised the god.

Usually Anubis is depicted as a man with the muzzle of a jackal or a wolf, which symbolizes death - devouring dead bodies.

There is another version of the head of Anubis by the jackal. In ancient Egypt, jackals often tore up graves and ate human remains, so they were not liked. By deifying the jackal, the Egyptians wanted to put an end to this.

In life, Anubis leads a person through the darkness of ignorance, and after the completion of earthly life - through the darkness of mortal. He leads the soul through Amenti - a special area of the other world, otherwise called "hidden place", to the palaces of his father Osiris, where forty-two divine judges decide whether to send her to the "reed fields" - a place of bliss or to be destroyed. Therefore, the Greeks identified Anubis as Hermes - the messenger of the gods.

In the Old Kingdom, Anubis was considered the main god of the kingdom of the dead, the judge of people and gods - he considers the hearts of the dead. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there is a passage where Anubis weighs hearts, which he puts on one bowl of the Scales of Truth, on the second bowl lies the feather of the goddess of justice Maat, and if the heart turned out to be heavier, the soul was sent to hell.

Horus - the god of the winged sun

When Set, out of envy, killed his brother Osiris and cut his body into pieces, which he scattered throughout Egypt, Isis, together with Anubis, began to collect it in pieces. Anubis embalmed the collected Osiris, and Isis, turning into a female falcon, conceived the god Horus from the dead body of Osiris.

Initially, the god in falcon form was revered as a predatory god of the hunt. With the development of Egypt, religious thought made him the god of the winged sun, rushing in a chariot.

Running away from Seth to a secluded place, Isis endured, gave birth and nursed Horus, who, having matured, wanted to avenge his father. In the first battle, Seth wounded Horus and tore out his eye, but in the second battle, Horus emasculated Set. God of knowledge and wisdom Thoth healed the eye of Horus, and with the help of this eye he raised his father Osiris. However, Osiris did not want to return from the kingdom of the dead and gave his throne to Horus himself, remaining to rule in the underworld. Horus was depicted as a winged sun or a man with the face of a falcon.