The Best Films About Lawyers

The Best Films About Lawyers
The Best Films About Lawyers

The profession of a lawyer is one of the most challenging and interesting. In the practice of law, there are a lot of stories that can be used to make films. However, several films about representatives of this profession already exist.

The best films about lawyers
The best films about lawyers

Lincoln for a Lawyer

The crime thriller, filmed in 2011, follows the successful lawyer Mickey Holler. He is so good at his profession that he is able to justify the most inveterate criminal. For this he is disliked by the police and the prosecutor's office. However, his skill soon turns against him. Holler's new client, having heard about the talent of a lawyer, demands to acquit him. But in his case, things are not so simple, and Holler does not promise a favorable outcome. However, his daughter's life is at stake. The film is filled with unexpected plot twists and keeps the viewer on their toes throughout the action.

Erin Brockovich

This film is about a woman human rights defender. It was based on a true story and became one of the star paintings for Julia Roberts. The main character of the film goes to work in a law firm out of despair. She has no higher education, she runs out of money, and she herself has an accident. A well-known lawyer becomes the driver of the car that damaged Erin's car. The woman demands to take her job as compensation. Once in a law firm, Erin goes on a case about a large company that pollutes the environment. An inexperienced but very stubborn woman will have to deal with violators and protect ordinary citizens.

Devil's Advocate

This film tells about the legal profession in a mystical way. Successful young lawyer Kevin Lomax and his beautiful wife move to New York from a small town. There he meets with the mysterious director of a large law firm and starts working for him. Kevin is rapidly climbing the career ladder, earning significant sums, but something is wrong with his personal life. This film became one of the most significant in the career of Keanu Reeves, where he formed a brilliant tandem with Al Pacino.

To Kill a Mockingbird

The film, included in the list of classics of cinema, tells the story of a humble lawyer Atticus Finch, who is raising two children on his own. At that time, racial prejudice still reigns, and a Negro becomes a client of Finch, who is accused of rape. While most of the city's residents are opposed to Finch and his ward, the lawyer's children learn to understand the world around them, sympathize with the innocent and decide for themselves what justice is.

The film was based on the novel of the same name by the American writer Harper Lee. Subsequently, she attended the filming and highly appreciated the resulting material. The film also fell in love with the audience, and Atticus Finch was named the most positive film character in the world.