What Is The Myrrh-streaming Icon

What Is The Myrrh-streaming Icon
What Is The Myrrh-streaming Icon

In the Christian tradition, the icon is a window to the spiritual world. The reverent veneration of the holy image goes back to the person depicted on the icon itself. In Orthodoxy, there are many miraculous icons, some of them are myrrh-streaming.

What is the myrrh-streaming icon
What is the myrrh-streaming icon

The myrrh-streaming of the icon is a unique phenomenon. In Christianity, there are images that exude miraculous myrrh (an oily liquid with miraculous properties). It is believed that the holy myrrh on the icon is of unearthly origin. It can exude a pleasant fragrance, and when anointing sore spots, the suffering person is given help and healing in the disease.

The chemical composition of this divine world has not yet been fully studied by scientists. The myrrh streaming of icons is a real miracle, which is not fully explained by science. Many myrrh-streaming icons were investigated by scientists for the fact of falsification. Opinions were put forward that miro is just a spray from oil lamps or specially applied drops of oil (oil). However, many myrrh-streaming icons are in frames where oil cannot penetrate. The point of view was put forward that the tree itself exudes oil. However, myrrh-streaming icons can be made of iron or paper. It is noteworthy that the drops of the world, rolling down the icon, can move not from top to bottom, but vice versa - from bottom to top, thereby violating the basic laws of physics.

There is a special commission of scientists in the Russian Orthodox Church, which examines the facts of the manifestation of various miracles. Myrrh-streaming icons are also presented in the field of vision of scientists. This commission can, after a thorough study of the formation of the world in the icon, conclude whether this is a miracle or an ordinary phenomenon.

Many myrrh-streaming icons are miraculous. People who attach themselves to such images can receive healing from ailments, sometimes the secret requests of the prayers are fulfilled. The myrrh itself from miraculous icons also has miraculous properties.

The icon can start streaming myrrh at any time. However, in recent years it has been noticed that the myrrh-streaming of icons takes place before very important or terrible events in the world.
