How Is The Day Of The Reverend Andrei Rublev In Moscow

How Is The Day Of The Reverend Andrei Rublev In Moscow
How Is The Day Of The Reverend Andrei Rublev In Moscow

One of the most famous icon painters in Russia was Andrei Rublev. He was born in the 14th century, but the exact date of his birth is unknown. The memory of the Monk Andrei Rublev is celebrated on July 17, on the day of the namesake with Saint Andrew of Crete.

How is the Day of the Reverend Andrei Rublev in Moscow
How is the Day of the Reverend Andrei Rublev in Moscow

Andrei Rublev was famous already during his lifetime, there are references to him in the lives of the saints and chronicles, the most famous monasteries ordered icons to him. All his works are considered miraculous; after his death, Rublev's fame only strengthened. The whole life of the great icon painter was associated with two monasteries: Spaso-Andronikov and Trinity-Sergiev, but he painted the walls of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, and the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow, created icons for many other monasteries and cathedrals.

Andrei Rublev was a monk and lived in a highly spiritual atmosphere, thanks to which he delved into the lives of the saints and the teachings of the Church, which is why he managed to reach such heights of spiritual and artistic perfection. On the basis of the sanctity of life and the proclamation of God to people through the painting of icons, he was canonized and canonized.

Every year on July 17, clergymen, believers and those who honor the memory of the great icon painter celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Monk Andrei Rublev. At the Andrei Rublev Museum, together with the parish of the Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands, the Andronikov Monastery of the Savior, and the The Monk Andrei Rublev holds solemn divine services.

A solemn liturgy is held in the Spassky Cathedral, which is served by the Archbishop of Istra of the Moscow Diocese. The ceremony is attended by the director and deputy of the Museum. A. Rubleva, President, Vice President, Member of the Coordination Council of the Foundation. Rev. A. Rublev, rector of the Cathedral of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands, as well as ordinary employees of the Museum, invited guests and ordinary parishioners. At the end of the liturgy, a prayer service is held in honor of the Monk Andrei Rublev.

The ceremonial dinner in the Gallery-Refectory "Bread House in Andronicus" for the hierarchs serves as a worthy end to the celebration. Here they can calmly discuss the prospects for the development of the Museum and the Foundation. Rev. A. Rublev, to talk about the development of the program "Ecology of Life" and other pressing problems.

Important events are held in the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos in Ramenki, since it is attributed to the church under construction of the Monk Andrei Rublev. The Divine Liturgy is held here on the day of the celebration, after which believers and clergy can take part in the procession of the cross to the construction site of the new church. Here the celebrations end with a prayer song calling for God's help in building the temple.
