The problem of child discipline in school is the most widespread in recent times. The efforts of parents and teachers are sometimes so useless that harsh and non-pedagogical measures have to be taken. Learn simple tips for raising your child, and complaints from teachers will stop coming to you.

Step 1
Explain to your child that the student should behave differently at school than at home. Explain the charter of the school to your child, even if he is an elementary school student. Think about how to convey the entire text to the student in an accessible and simple language. If the child continues to behave unruly, repeat some of the points for him daily. Only an integrated approach to education will help solve your problem.
Step 2
Do not raise your voice to the child if your efforts do not lead to a certain result. If your child is mobile and restless, prohibit taking various games to school, including a mobile phone or tablet. The use of such means of communication in the classroom is prohibited, since the student's thoughts are not occupied with studying a new topic of the lesson, but with how to get through the next level of an electronic game.
Step 3
Ask the teacher to specifically explain his discipline requirements. Each teacher responds differently to behavior. With a clear formulation of the requirements, questions will not arise during the educational process. Tell your child that not following school rules can lead to expulsion.
Step 4
Explain to your child that he should not spoil school property. Do not paint in steam, do not tear textbooks, do not break window glass or dishes in the dining room, do not smoke or bring alcoholic beverages. All these actions carry material and criminal responsibility, that only the parents of the student will have to pay, and no one else. The child should always look clean and tidy, not paint his face and hands with pens and felt-tip pens.
Step 5
Keep track of which textbooks, notebooks, and other school supplies fit into your bag. Check if all textbooks are in line with the lesson schedule. Very often children confuse or forget everything that is necessary for them for the lesson.