Kurai is a musical wind instrument widespread in the culture of the peoples of Bashkiria and Tatarstan. In these Russian republics, there are several varieties of it, depending on the design features, as well as the material of manufacture of the tool. According to the Hornbostel-Sachs classification (adopted in the musical world and developed at the beginning of the 20th century), the kurai belongs to the aerophones and the flute subgroup.

Step 1
The rule of flute construction of the kurai is not strictly obligatory, since its other variety is also widespread in Bashkiria - a reed musical instrument with a beating movable "tongue". Two types of kurai length are adopted - 120-180 millimeters and 450-1000 millimeters, depending on which the instrument acquires certain dynamic capabilities, and also emits a different sound and has a different timbre. In Bashkiria and Tatarstan, it is also customary to make them from cut and pre-dried stems of the Ural ribcarp. But now this norm is no longer observed so strictly, since the use of sliced veneer or even metal is allowed.
Step 2
In the culture of the two nations, the Kurai is an integral attribute not only of solo performance, but also of a musician's performance as part of an ensemble or ethnic orchestra. By the way, the inhabitants of traditional Tatar villages also call this musical instrument sybyzga - a term under which practically all wind instruments are united.
Step 3
The diameter of a kurai flute is usually about 20 millimeters, it has 5 holes with a width of 5-15 millimeters. Moreover, 4 of them are located on the front side of the musical instrument, and 1 - on its back. Depending on the location of the holes, the following variations of the traditional kurai are distinguished:
- "kopshe kurai", which is an open longitudinal flute with only two holes;
- "agach kurai" (literally "wooden kurai") of the whistle type, made from twigs of hazel, viburnum or maple, with a length of 250-300 millimeters and a possible number of holes in 4-6 pieces;
- copper kurai, arranged like a slotted whistle flute, made of brass, with a length of 260-265 millimeters and 7 holes;
- "kazan kurai" (or "kazan kurai"), designed on the principle of a longitudinal whistle flute. Usually it is very long - 580-800 millimeters, as well as with hole variations - from 2 to 7;
- "Nogai kurai" with a length of 690-775 millimeters and 2 holes, which is considered a female musical instrument;
- simple kurai made of straw, belonging to the subgroup of reed and made from cereal straw. Its traditional length is 120-180 millimeters.
Step 4
Since 1998, the Union of Kuraists of the Republic has been functioning in Bashkiria, which ceased its activities for 4 years from 2003 to 2007, but then resumed it again. Specialists of this ethnic organization are fighting for the preservation of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Volga region.