Is There A Difference Between Epiphany And Epiphany Holy Water

Is There A Difference Between Epiphany And Epiphany Holy Water
Is There A Difference Between Epiphany And Epiphany Holy Water

There are many different superstitions associated with Christian traditions and customs, many of which are firmly entrenched in the minds of the people. Such superstitions include the idea that the consecrated Epiphany water differs from the Epiphany water.

Is there a difference between Epiphany and Epiphany holy water
Is there a difference between Epiphany and Epiphany holy water

The Great Blessing of Water is performed twice a year: on the feast of the Baptism of Jesus Christ (January 19th), and also on Epiphany Eve (January 18th). Some people mistakenly believe that the water being sanctified on these days is different in its properties.

Epiphany water is called water that is consecrated on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Some people may call this water differently - Christmas Eve. Directly on the feast of the Epiphany, the so-called Epiphany water is consecrated. It should be noted that the people do not have a clear naming of the water consecrated on the feast of Epiphany and on Christmas Eve. Some call the consecrated water on Christmas Eve Epiphany, others - Christmas Eve. Sometimes baptismal water is also called the one that is consecrated on the feast of the Baptism of Jesus Christ. In this case, the water consecrated on Christmas Eve remains the same by its name - Christmas Eve. It should be noted that in such superstition the etymology is not so much important as the fact that the water from the two sanctions is different, and therefore it must be used in different ways, because water has different beneficial properties.

Some Orthodox Christians believe that the water consecrated on Epiphany Eve is used only for sprinkling dwellings, vegetable gardens, and other things. That is, this water, in their opinion, is used "outside". Water from the feast of Epiphany is taken exclusively inside.

This concept of holy water has nothing to do with the Christian liturgical tradition. It is impossible to distinguish between Epiphany and Epiphany water to the extent that the rite of consecration of water is performed alone. All prayers and petitions of the priest during the consecration of water are identical. The water consecrated on Epiphany Eve is no different in its properties from the water consecrated on the holiday itself.

It turns out that the two-fold great consecration of water is not due to differences in the properties of the water being sanctified, but to the usual indication of the liturgical ustav.

Some may see the difference in water in the fact that smaller containers are consecrated on Christmas Eve. From this, supporters of superstition draw the erroneous conclusions that the Christmas Eve water is needed less, the power of this shrine is also less. Epiphany water is consecrated a lot. This is allegedly due to the fact that she is more "holy". In fact, less water is consecrated on Epiphany Christmas Eve so that the faithful can make out all of it before the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, because the celebration itself will also be blessed with water, for which it is necessary to completely empty the containers.

Thus, there is no difference between Epiphany (Sohelnikovskaya) water and Epiphany water. All water sanctified by the rite of the great consecration of water is a holy hagiasma and has the same beneficial properties and "power".
