How God Created Woman

How God Created Woman
How God Created Woman

Every nation of the world, in every religion, has a legend about the creation of the first people by the gods - men and women. In most cases, a man is primary, but there are myths of some tribes, in which a woman-mother is first created, and all of humanity originates from this progenitor. The most famous biblical myth about the creation of Adam and Eve, however, in non-canonical sources, the name of another first lady is mentioned - Lilith.

How God Created Woman
How God Created Woman

According to the Judeo-Christian myth, first God created the sky, stars, the sun and the moon, then plants and animals, and on the sixth day he began to work on man. From various interpretations it becomes known that the first man was made of clay or earth, or even dust (dust of the earth). In some books, you can find a mention of the fact that God created the first wife of Adam on the same day and gave her the name Lilith, she was, like Adam made of clay, but did not possess the qualities that an ancient man would like to see in his woman. She was pretty, but disobedient and unfaithful. And here opinions differ: either Adam did not pay due attention to his wife, and she left him, turning into a winged demon, or she was simply tired of family life and she left her husband in search of freedom and impressions. But the fact remains - Adam was left alone and began to complain to God: "The wife you gave me is gone, give me a new one!" The Lord loved his creation very much and, at his request, will create another female specimen. However, this time, the woman had to be a part of the man, both literally and figuratively, husband and wife are one. According to legend, God put Adam to sleep and took the rib from the sleeping one, from which he created Eve. After awakening, the first man met his new wife, and God told them to love and care for each other. But the second wife also turned out to be disobedient, the snake seduced Eve with an apple, which she fed Adam as well. After everything was revealed, Adam again began to complain to God: "The woman you gave me is to blame, she gave me an apple from the forbidden tree." The result is expulsion from paradise and punishment for all women - "you will give birth to your children in torment." This legend is the same for the Christian religions, Judaism and Islam with little or no discrepancy. Almost all the myths about the creation of the first people are similar: the material is earth or clay, a man is created first and only then a woman, as a friend for a man, a gift from God. Most often, a woman is created from any part of her husband's body: a rib, another bone, a finger; in some legends, God takes "Eve" from the womb of "Adam", that is, from the belly, or "a woman came off the tongue of a man." This was the interpretation of the Maori tribe of the Tahiti island in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. In other legends, you can find a description of how the gods gather and create the first woman, Mother, and the man appears much later. As a rule, the names of the first people are not named, it is only indicated that they were of different sexes. In Taoism, a man and a woman are created from the energy of a vacuum at the same time, in Hinduism, the first people are created simultaneously either by themselves or from a part of the body of God. In some myths, the creation of a man, man or woman, is not mentioned at all, it only says that people were already on earth before the first gods appeared (flew in).
