Leonid Volodarsky: Biography And Interesting Facts

Leonid Volodarsky: Biography And Interesting Facts
Leonid Volodarsky: Biography And Interesting Facts

Competent experts can judge the economic potential of a country by the number of films and television films produced. Of course, such an assessment does not give a complete picture of the living standards of the population. At the same time, according to the subject matter of the paintings, one can judge the preferences of the mass public, its tastes and preferences. Leonid Volodarsky is known in the CIS countries as a translator of films of foreign production.

Leonid Volodarsky
Leonid Volodarsky

Youth projects

When it comes to the specialization of Leonid Veniaminovich Volodarsky, it is difficult to find an unambiguous answer at one attempt. The biography of this man says that Leonid was born on May 20, 1950 in an intelligent family. The father taught English at the institute, and the mother taught the children German at school. It is not surprising that the future poet and writer mastered several foreign languages from an early age. The boy studied at an ordinary Moscow school. I read a lot. He was friends with street kids, but did not become a bully.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Volodarsky entered, which is quite natural, at the Institute of Foreign Languages. His career as a translator began during his student years. Leonid was invited to various film festivals, where the audience was shown pictures from different countries. The acquired skill came in handy in his life a little later, when cassettes with foreign films began to be massively imported into the country. After completing his studies, Volodarsky received a referral to the Institute for African Studies at the Academy of Sciences.

The work was interesting. He traveled a lot. As a translator, he met with public and political figures. The modern world appeared to him in a completely different light, not like the image that was broadcast on television. Volodarsky creatively used the peculiarities of his profession. When he came across a book by the famous writer Stephen King, the founder of the fantasy and mystic genre, Leonid decided to translate it into Russian. As a result, Russian readers got access to an amazing series of works by a foreign author.

Commonwealth with video pirates

It is important to note one fact - Leonid Volodarsky translated more than five thousand films into the language of native aspens, which were distributed on videotapes. He did not get into the book of records, but he spent 30 years of his life in all this fuss. Yes, I received good fees for the work. Yes, he became famous, not wanting to. Yes, he gave testimony to the KGB, but he did not turn in any of his accomplices. When the band of pirated methods of distributing films ended, Volodarsky was invited to cooperate on radio and television.

During this period of creativity, Volodarsky was remembered by viewers as an erudite and handsome host of his own programs. For several years, "Leonid Volodarsky's Matinee" appeared regularly on television. Based on his script, a series of ten films was filmed under the title "Intelligence, which few knew about." Leonid Veniaminovich is from time to time invited to the radio as a presenter or expert. It should be added that throughout his adult life he writes poetry.

Even in his student years, the fateful meeting of the young poet with the classic of Soviet poetry Yevgeny Vinokurov took place. The master blessed his colleague for further work. Leonid Volodarsky is known to contemporary poets as the founder of the light-realism genre. Leonid himself takes such titles calmly. Even in adulthood, he is a simple and accessible person for communication.
