To organize an exhibition-fair, you will need certain funds to rent a plot of land or premises. In addition, advertising costs will follow, without which it is very difficult to collect the required number of participants. But by involving government agencies, these costs can be significantly reduced.

Step 1
The most important thing in organizing an exhibition-fair is a detailed plan of the event. It will be needed both for applying for permission from government agencies and during the search for sponsors. Make it in a Power Point program, describing as colorfully as possible the advantages of your fair over others. And also indicating what benefits sponsors and authorities can receive.
Step 2
Having drawn up a plan and an approximate budget, go to the district council where the event will take place. Prepare in advance and give the secretary a letter addressed to the head and wait for the invitation. Most likely, you will get the required resolution without any problems. State bodies are interested in actions aimed at a wide range of people. Especially if they are held during the celebration of the day of the city or county.
Step 3
Together with the permit, ask the municipality for support. It is in their power to allocate a room or a piece of land for free. And they will do this if, in the plan describing the upcoming event, you plan not only the sale of goods, but also lotteries and contests for visitors. You can even make the manager one of the organizers of the event, expressing gratitude to them on advertising posters and in the media. This will not be difficult for you, you still have to place advertising and add a couple of extra lines is not at all difficult. But those in power with the help of these articles can then report to the regulatory authorities on the work done. Second, officials can invite retail outlets to participate in the fair. And it is unlikely that any organization will refuse them.
Step 4
Make promotional materials - ads, posters, banners. If the event is small, notify the residents of the surrounding houses. If you are planning a massive exhibition-fair - order for advertising on television and radio. Local TV channels, again with the support of the authorities, can provide information about the action for free.
Step 5
To attract companies to participate in the trade fair, place the modules in specialized publications. Do this at least three months before the event. This will allow all trading and manufacturing firms interested in participating in a timely manner to contact you to clarify details and conclude agreements.