The problem of metro overcrowding and the inconvenience of using it in some directions has been worrying the city authorities for a long time. But if earlier the construction of new stations was carried out rather slowly, and no more than 3-4 were added per year, now the decision to supplement the metro with new stations as soon as possible is being successfully implemented.

Plans for 2014-2016
For three years, from 2014 to 2016, it was decided to build 50 new stations. 35 of them will be located on the existing branches, and 15 more will be able to form another ring line, which is now so lacking in the Moscow metro.
It is not planned to make the new stations very different. On the contrary, it was decided to switch to standard station designs, which will reduce construction costs and speed it up. This is what the Moscow government believes is most important now.
The second measure aimed at accelerating construction is to increase the number of shallow stations. In a number of areas, it is difficult to build underground stations due to natural conditions. In addition to speed, the construction of such stations will significantly save money. At the same time, it is planned to equip the new stations with everything necessary for the comfort of passengers: ticket machines, air conditioners, convenient turnstiles.
New stations in old and new Moscow
The metro will expand to both the old districts and the so-called "new Moscow". In the old districts, stations will appear in Solntsevo, Nekrasovka, Obruchevsky, Teply Stan, Novo-Peredelkino and Tropalevo-Nikulino. In the new districts, the metro will be opened in Sosensky, Rumyantsevo, Salaryevo, Mosrentgen and Moskovsky settlements. New stations will appear in the region, for example, in Kotelniki: the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line will be extended.
Some stations are planned to be built as large transport hubs. In addition to the metro, there will be train and bus stops.
Second ring
The second ring line will be several stations away from the first ring and intersect with all radial branches. Previously, to get by metro from one extreme station to the other extreme, even if they are located on adjacent lines, you had to go to the center and change trains there. Now the new ring will allow you to do this much faster and more conveniently. It is planned in this way to significantly relieve the center and in the near future to reduce the number of people on the metro during rush hours.
The plans of the metro builders are very impressive: by 2020, 9 out of 10 Muscovites will live near the metro. Ground transport from remote areas to the metro will become practically unnecessary.
Newly opened new stations
In the recent past, Delovoy Tsentr stations on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line, Butyrka on the Lyublinskaya line, Lesoparkovaya on the Butovskaya line, Salaryevo and Rumyantsevo on the Sokolnicheskaya line, as well as three stations on the Tagansko- Krasnopesnenskaya line: "Kotelniki", "Lermontovsky prospect", "Zhulebino".