What Are The Leading Countries In The World In Electricity

What Are The Leading Countries In The World In Electricity
What Are The Leading Countries In The World In Electricity

The consumption of electricity per inhabitant of the country is the ratio of the population and the amount of energy per person in a certain time period. This indicator includes electricity generated by water, nuclear, geothermal and thermal power plants. Which countries are the leaders in electricity generation?

What are the leading countries in the world in electricity
What are the leading countries in the world in electricity

Energy consumption calculation

To summarize all types of generated electricity, they are converted into kilowatt-hours - a universal unit of measurement. One kilowatt hour is the amount of energy that is produced or consumed by a one kilowatt device in one hour.

The rating of the world countries in terms of energy consumption per capita is calculated in terms of the consumed volume of electricity in kilowatt-hours according to the methodology of the International Energy Agency (International Energy Agency).

The methodology of the International Energy Agency is based on data from international organizations and national statistics.

In the global ranking, the place of each country is determined by the obtained indicators, where the countries with the highest indicator value become the leaders. Today, the electric power industry is a key element in the life support of states - without it, it is impossible to conduct all sectors of the economy and ensure a normal life for the population.

World leaders in the electric power industry

The main task of the electric power industry is to provide energy to the population and economic sectors. After the development of the production automation complex and the electronic industry, its importance has grown rapidly - so, if in 1990 its consumption was 11.6 trillion kilowatt-hours, then in 2000 this figure has already reached 16.4 trillion kilowatt-hours.

Developed countries in terms of electricity generation are significantly ahead of countries that are just developing their industry.

The leading regions in this industry are Western Europe and North America. The leading countries-producers of electricity in decreasing order are the USA, Japan, China, Russia, Canada, Germany, France, India, Great Britain and Brazil. Thus, the top ten includes three southern and seven northern countries. The leaders in terms of energy production per capita are Norway, Sweden, Canada, the USA and Finland, while the lowest indicators are in African countries, where electricity consumption is generated and consumed in the minimum amount.
