Why Do Civil Wars Start

Why Do Civil Wars Start
Why Do Civil Wars Start

Is it possible to explain why one person is willing to kill another. What are the compelling reasons pushing him to commit such crimes? War is the most terrible and unjustified crime of humanity, especially if it is directed against the inhabitants of the same country. Where do the seeds come from, what do the roots feed on, and what brings up this monster?

Why do civil wars start
Why do civil wars start

A heterogeneous society

In no country of the world, in any historical time, there has never been an absolutely equal and mono-ideological society.

The stratification of society occurred for a number of different reasons. The main controversial issues leading to the confrontation of the parties are divided into:

- social heterogeneity - conflicts between the poor and the rich, when the counterbalance of the poor side becomes significant;

- national division - one nation is trying to raise its significance and God's chosenness to a pedestal, while humiliating and destroying other nationalities;

- religious confrontations - the heads of churches and religious communities are drawn into this division, dividing parishioners and influence on society among themselves;

- historical and cultural breaks - different interpretations and discrepancies in past historical events led to confrontation between opponents.

Functions of the state in settling hotbeds of resistance

A huge responsibility for peace and prosperity in the country lies with those who are in government structures, who set the trend in society and have a vision of development, not degradation of the country's population. Correct policies aimed at the “hot spots” of emerging clashes are able to keep from explosions of violence and escalation of conflicts. The main role of the state apparatus is to protect and guarantee peace for the entire population of the country. Important areas of regulation that can turn off or nullify citizen opposition are:

- provision of "quality" state institutions - fair, impartial courts and an adequate law enforcement system - the guarantee of peace in the country;

- protection of the economy - the weaker the country's economy and the lack of social justice, the more likely it is that civil protests will arise;

- development of culture - freedom of religion, encouragement to preserve the traditions of all representatives of nationalities inhabiting the country, but at the same time have a common national idea.

The main factors for the outbreak of civil war

1. The embryo of all civil warriors is in the struggle for power of several individuals or groups who want to take the "throne" and influence financial and economic interests.

2. The economic interests of other countries that incite internal wars by artificially whipping up with financial support, the so-called invisible intervention.

3. And a few more less significant factors. Scientists who have analyzed the emergence of civil wars note that the presence of natural resources in the country, the specifics of the landscape (mountains, forests), large ethnic groups, all these are additional opportunities for the development of civil conflicts.

The civil war is a terrible catastrophe, causing a split in the people, family and in the very personality of a person. The consequences are of a total nature, mental wounds, destruction of the foundations of life, the defeat of a civilized society.
